Chapter 66

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Violets pov

3 days later

I know that everyone would be looking for me, I know they probably haven't been sleeping or taking care of themselves but come on it's been five days total of me being in here.

Every day Mikael takes me to the torture room, asking me questions about my family's mafias and when I wouldn't say anything he would well you know torture me. And he would do this for hours, only when he got really annoyed would he get the guards to throw me back in my cell. It would take more and more time every time for me to stop myself from bleeding, and sometimes I can't stop it from bleeding so I just leave it and hope like hell none of the burns or cuts don't get infected.

Every day Miguel, the guy in the same cell with me. Would ask if he could do anything and would be overly concerned. His name isn't actually Miguel but I don't really want to know his real name, anything could happen to us in here. I mean I know he has been here for years and he has only left the cell once but again you never know.

The only thing we talk about is our life before we don't use names and we don't make descriptions about the people in our lives, basically, anything that could be able to track each other down we avoid.

It's been nice being able to talk to someone without the fear of them having to judge or see each other again. So far what I've learned about him is he is a part of a big family he has a crap load of brothers and a sister, he misses them like crazy and he pretends to talk to them when he misses them so much he can't breathe.

I think it's really sweet that he does that but I also feel bad I mean not being able to see the people you love most the people you grew up with and missing them so much that you fake scenarios in your head.

Pulling me out of my thoughts is the sound of keys jiggling down the hallway. I'm pretty sure it's early in the morning. There are only five guards which only happens when it's late at night until early in the morning.

Every minute I've been here I have been learning where the guards are, and how many there are when they change shifts. It took me a while for me to know when and how long because it's not like there is a clock in the cell. I had to count the damn seconds for like two days.

It was boring and annoying and sometimes I had to really focus so I don't lose count, Miguel even had to take over counting sometimes. I then had to do it the next day but if my plan works then it should all be worth it.

The only thing I'm kind of worried about is how we are going to take down the two guards when they come for me tomorrow. With me being really weak and Miguel being a little less weak than me it doesn't really bode well for us. I mean the guards are having full meals three times a day, they are at their full strength whether we would have trouble running. I am just praying that the guards are surprised enough to not be able to fight back a lot.

I haven't told Miguel why he was counting or what I was doing practically at the cell door 24/7 but I just didn't want to get his hopes up yet, although I'm pretty sure he has at least the idea in his head.

I'm just glad that when Carlos was training me Alessandro insisted that he teach me how to scan the room or in this case place, he also taught me how to remember an insane amount of information which was at the time a pain in my ass but I'm now glad he made me do it over and over again because it's going to help me get out of here.

Holding my breath I wait and see if the guard is coming this way for me, if he has been sent here to make my life more like hell. I keep holding my breath even when my lungs start screaming at me to inhale even a tiny bit of oxygen. But I don't, I can't.

my darling violetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ