Chapter 60

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Violet's pov

When Alessandro finally takes everything in, he turns to Matias and Lorenzo, looking equal parts panicked and angry.

"Take Violet to the car" he almost grunts.

"What no, I've already seen it, plus if you're going to be talking about what to do with this" I exclaim pointing to the dead people and the blood on the wall "then I think I should be a part of it since I am clearly a target" I end pointing straight to the girl on the wall.

"She does make a good point" someone mutters, both Alessandro and I too busy staring at each other to look to see who it was.

"Fine but you stay back and don't make things harder, got it" Alessandro almost pins me in place with the way he is looking at me, instead of saying anything I just nod.

"Where are we with finding out who they are and who did this to them?" Alessandro turns to Massimo getting right to business.

"They all work for us, they have been missing for 5 days. They were supposed to be undercover pretending to work for the Swedish but when they all stopped responding we started to search for them, and we've found them here. Dead." Massimo responds not missing a beat.

"so Karlsson did it" Elijah inputs looking right at the girl

"hold on doesn't Karlsson not allow women in his mafia, how did the girl get in" I question, kind of forgetting that Alessandro more or less told me to just stand here and shut up

"she wasn't in the mafia, she was working as a maid on his property" Leonardo answers glancing at the girl

"so what do we do now" I utter uncertainly

"We take the bodies back to the main warehouse where they will have an autopsy and then we will give them a funeral and make sure their families are taken care of" Elijah responds this time looking at me

"that's it, we just take the bodies have a funeral and pretend this never happened. Like there isn't blood on the wall, her blood saying 'I'm coming for you'" Sometimes I think this family is too used to how things work in a mafia life that they don't hear how they sound

"don't be silly we will take photos of the place then we will wash the blood off the wall like it was never there" Jake comes into the conversation

Case in point, doing all of that is just everyday life for them

"sure okay and once we have had a funeral for them and taken care of their families then what do we do about the rest of the people I'm sure we have in different mafias all over the world because I am sure Mikael Karlsson would just love to tell everyone that will listen" nobody says anything clearly not knowing what else to do right now

We all just stay quiet for a second before Alessandro looks up again almost like he is now on a mission, we all just wait for him to start speaking, knowing he has thought everything through

"Violet, Xavier, Xander and you lot are going back to the house." He says looking over to where Ashton, Jake, Julian, Tye, Zaid, Quinn, Noah and Will are standing. "wait for us while we clean this up, don't leave each other's side, Matias call your father and ask if he will be able to add some of his men to help keep guard at the house, then join the rest of them" with that we all leave. Letting the older ones talk with each other to get this mess sorted out

Just as we are leaving the room though I hear a faint "hopefully he will send enough men" and then something about how they are going to get the bodies from here all the way to the main base. As we split up and get into the cars I get this dreadful feeling like something bad is about to happen or is happening right now.

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