Chapter 73

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Violet's pov

Turns out Theo and his family don't live near here so they are going to be staying with us and they are also giving us more protection just until we have enough especially since we haven't killed Mikael Karlsson yet.

But because we haven't caught Mikael yet and he knows where we live we have to move. Alessandro says that it would be a good time to make a home that everyone helped build but until we plan it and build it we are either staying at our cousins or converting some space at one of the bases into our living courters.

So right now we are all going around the house grabbing everything we want to take and everything else is staying here. Apparently, there are too many memories for everyone to sell the house so we are just leaving it here, not coming back until we are sure everyone we don't want to know about it is either dead or locked up.

Even Theo, his parents and older brother are helping us. Everyone else had to go home so right now it was just me, my brothers, Theo and his family and then Alex just awkwardly sitting on the couch.

Alessandro said he had to talk to him but with everything, he just doesn't want to do anything but be with his family tonight and with Alex having nowhere to go that would be safe, Alessandro said he can stay the night in one of our guest rooms.

Apparently, when we were still at Alex's dad's base they came to an understanding of some sort. I'm not 100% sure about anything. Nobody is really in the mood for serious talk.

After maybe an hour we are all done and sitting around the living room just talking about anything and everything.

So far I've found out that when I was still here and everyone was happy Theo and his family used to live here, pretty close to us so every Saturday we would go over to each other houses and spend the whole day. Sometimes Theo and his brother would stay over so they had their own rooms in our house and we had our own rooms in theirs. Even when I was taken they still tried to come over every Saturday and Theo and Charles would stay for the weekend but then everything got crazy.

Everyone was spending a lot of time trying to find me so then they had to complete all their work on the weekends or during the night. It's where my father, old brothers and uncles and aunts started their bad habits of not sleeping or barely sleeping at all.

I'm only half paying attention though, I'm mostly focusing on Alex. He seems different, probably because he just helped destroy one of his family's bases. He also has no idea what is going to happen to him.

Deciding I've had enough for the night and just want to go to sleep, I stand up, taking the blanket off me and putting it down where I was sitting. I walk over to the entryway before facing everyone again, scanning the room slowly.

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight everyone" I say before heading to the stairs

Before I can get too far though I hear Miguel- Ares say that he's going to bed too. Elijah offers to show him his room and help make it more liveable you could say but Ares quickly turns him down before catching up with me.

"Can I sleep with you. My room is a mess and I really don't want to have to clean it and then take another shower before going to bed" he looks kind of nervous but he doesn't try to hide it

"of course, you can, but only if you don't hog the bed" I try to make the conversation light knowing there must be more than just not wanting to clean

I'm sure It would be weird being back here and most things would be different, hell it would be weird coming back here after how long he's been away period. Plus I actually kind of want someone with me and while I'm sure the rest of my brothers would be good at comforting me Ares actually went through what I did or at least to a degree and he already knows exactly what happened to me, I don't want to make anyone else worry about me. I've gone through this before and I was perfectly fine when I got away from them so it's going to be no different.

Making it to my room and opening the door I make a point not to stare at him. I'm sure he already feels like everyone is staring at him all the time, if I can give him even a couple of seconds where he feels like he isn't in a zoo I'm sure he would appreciate it.

When we got home someone must have given him a shirt and pants because he hasn't been in his old clothes since I came out of the shower. They are only a tiny little bit too big for him but he somehow pulls it off.

"lights on or off?" I question bringing his attention away from looking around my room and towards me standing at the light switch

"do you have a lamp or something else" Instead of answering I walk over to my desk and turn on my lamp then walk back over and turn off the lights

"is this good. I could probably steal Elijah Light" It's a little hard to keep my voice neutral and like its every day I'm talking to my brother that essentially came back from the dead

"no that's fine" Ares gets into the right side of the bed while I get into the other side both of us facing the roof, just staring at it

"It's weird being back" I sigh

"yeah, it is. Everything has changed yet nothing has changed at the same time" Ares sighs back

"I wonder how long I can stay home and do nothing" I smile moving to look at him

"I give it a month" Ares responds moving to look at me as well

"Really, I thought I could at least get two and with you, by my side, we could maybe push it to three or four. Of the things we could do in that time" giving Ares a mischievous smile, he does a small one back

"now that would be pushing it. Don't forget you need to heal first" Ares all of a sudden goes serious something I've only ever seen him do when I was seriously hurt after coming back from an especially bad session and when escaping

"I'm fine Miguel, nothing I haven't felt before" The fun and light-hearted atmosphere is gone now replaced by straight faces and worried glances. I try using his nickname hoping to get my point across 

"What do you mean by that you said it in there too" Instead of trying to comfort him now I've just made him dig into the part of my life I haven't told anyone

"My life before coming here wasn't the best" is all I say before turning to look back at the sealing

"I'm sorry I know you probably don't want to talk about it. I certainly don't want to talk about my past either" Ares gently puts his hand on my arm, getting me to turn my head back to him

"I haven't actually told anyone what my life was like before, we kind of have an understanding. So can you not mention it" I'm just hoping now that I've told someone my life doesn't come crashing down again. I have family here and actual friends.

Oh god, Sarah. She has no idea about the mafia so she wouldn't know the real reason why I've been radio silent hell she might not have even been told one.

Reaching over I grab my phone that is on the bedside table charging, everything that was left behind with everyone they grabbed and put them back in my room. unlocking my phone I go straight into Sandro's text

'Have you told Sarah a reason why I've been MIA'

I get a response almost immediately from him

'yeah the boys told her there was a death in the family and we had to go back to Italy and you aren't allowed to bring any technology where were going'

I go to type again but am stopped by another message coming through

'don't worry I've had men watch her and keep her safe'

'thank you' is all I say before putting my phone back down, glancing at Ares who is looking at me with a slightly confused face

"I was making sure my friend was okay, she doesn't know about the mafia so we can't exactly tell her I've been kidnapped" All Ares does is nod before trying to go to sleep, clearly very tired and comfortable for the first time in a long time.

I do the exact same thing, getting into a comfortable position and try to go to sleep. Eventually falling asleep after some time.

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