Chapter 40

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violet's pov

it all happened so fast. As soon as he finished the sentence he was walking over to me and I was just too shocked to move. His persona changed so quickly going from happy and sometimes stupid to angry and wanting to kill me.

Before I could speak or get my brain to process what was happening he was grabbing me by the throat, choking me. He used his other hand to hit me repeatedly on the stomach knocking the wind out of me every time I somehow got it back.

Something kicked into me though because when he went to hit me again I grabbed his hand and bent it back not enough to break it but enough to hurt like hell. With me hurting his hand he loosened his grip on my throat enough for me to be able to get out of it.

Being free I kick him in the balls making him clutch it, just as I take my first step away from him. Will grabs y hair and pulls me back hard enough that I fall on the floor. Will gets on top of me straddling me. He grabs a knife that's sitting on the edge of the counter and puts it against my throat, putting enough pressure that it cuts me but not enough to kill me.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask trying not to yell. No matter how hard I want to it would be too hard to explain to the guys most of them don't know anything about the mafia how would we explain will with a knife to my throat

"Isn't it obvious, I'm trying to kill you" he says half smiling and half with clenched teeth

"Can you give me a reason than" maybe I can just talk to him until one of the guys gets here, hopefully, someone that knows about the mafia

"Why should I tell you" he truly is something of a dumb creature

"maybe, because I'm the one your killing. If I die I at least want to know why" I try and stay quiet but not too quiet so nobody would hear us when walking past

"because I was ordered to. Happy?" he gives me a condescending look

"oh, I'm over the moon. At least someone thinks that I'm worth ordering to get killed I mean I would have had to do something amazing to get that. Like, have you ever had someone try and kill you. Actually probably not I mean you would be dead if you had, you're not that good at fighting. I'm just starting to learn and it wasn't THAT hard. HEYYY what if I teach you some things and then you don't kill me?" I try rambling which is seemingly working

"what no, I have to kill you, that was the only thing I was told to do, not spare you and let you teach me things" he says like I'm stupid

"Well I mean they would never need to know, you would say I'm dead and you would take me to wherever you have your secret base and then I can teach you. Plus after I'm done we can go separate ways, ill just get a new life and you will be way better at fighting. If I was you I would take this deal it's a pretty sweet deal-"

"Okay shut up, you don't get to make a deal okay you get to die now I might let you decide how but you will die" he says pressing the knife deeper into my neck making me remember that was still there

"how about from old age?" he never said when

"you know what forget about it, ill just cut your throat" he goes to put the knife deeper into my throat but I knee him in the stomach, getting him by surprise, using that to my advantage I take the knife from his hand and turn us around so he's on the floor and I'm on top of him.

Putting the knife against his throat as he did to me just seconds ago I lean into him a little bit

"Now tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here right now"

"Xavier!!! Helppp" will yells surprising me

All of a sudden there is clapping and Matias, Xavier, Xander, Alessandro, Elijah, Carlos and Lorenzo walk into the room with large smiles, not at all surprised or I don't know some type of emotion that their sister or in Matias's case best friend is straddling one of their friends with a knife to his neck and blood dripping down their neck.

"what the hell are you guys clapping for?" I ask so confusedly not moving from off will

"you passed the test" Carlos says making me even more confused

"what test?" I reply not expecting this at all

"We test everyone going through training to see if they are ready at all times for an unexpected attack" Alessandro says looking down at me

"Ummm so he knows?" I ask pointing down at will not looking at him

"yes I know so you can get off me" will tries to get up but I just push him back down not listening to him

"Bambina it's fine he works for us" Elijah explains seeing as I wouldn't listen to anyone but the oldest two

(bambina- baby)

As he finishes saying that I push the knife into will's neck a little bit just enough to cut. Removing the knife I get up off him and drop the knife on the counter

"what was the for?" will asks surprised pointing to his neck 

"what was this for!" I ask just as loud as him pointing to my neck

"far enough" he looks down at my neck seeing that it was still bleeding

"now I have to go and deal with this" I say pointing to my neck. I get testing me but why did he have to cut me so deep

"yeah sorry about that didn't know I went that far, I thought you would wince or something when I was going too far" will says with a little tint of red on his checks

"wait if will knows and Matias knows what about the rest of the guys?" I ask just as I'm about to walk off

"umm yeah about that" Xavier says laughing a little bit but more of an awkward laugh

"we already know" Ashton says walking around the corner and coming toward us with the rest of the guys

"what is it that you guys already know?" I really don't want to just say randomly 'oh thank god because hiding that we're the mafia was so hard' and then have them all say 'we knew that Will was going to help test you- wait what the hell mafia' cause that would be so awkward

"Violet they know about our mafia's. in fact they're in it" Alessandro drops the massive bomb

"what?' is all I manage to get out

"yeah, Julian, Tye and Jake are snippers. Noah, Ashton and Zaid are fighters and Quinn and Will are pretty much everything" Elijah says pointing to each person as he says it

"wait so are you all in Alessandro's mafia or are you like split between Matias's and Alessandro's?" I ask confused

"Jake and Ashton are from Matias's mafia but because we all live in the same place we like to think that we all belong to both" Tye explains

"Okay, and why did we have to pretend that you guys knew nothing?"

"Because if everyone besides will knew then it would have been unconvincing" Alessandro says like its kind of obvious

"right well while I get my head wrapped around all of this I'm going to go clean up my neck" I finish my sentence looking at Will

this is such a weird family, I mean who's family does that, has their little sister gets attacked by one of their friends just for training purposes. don't get me wrong I'm not mad just very confused my head still hasn't come around to the fact that the guys know and are actually in it and also that one of my friends just cut me with a knife. 

walking into my bathroom I try and stop all the thoughts running through my head and just focus on cleaning up my neck and putting a bandaid over it.

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