Chapter 86

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another long one guys 

Violet's pov

Well, he definitely saw, once Theo and I were finished and everything had been cleaned up we walked out to find Matteo talking to Louis, Niall and Liam. They have all been on a mission together for the past year.

"Hey, you guys are finally back!" I exclaim hugging the closes one to me which is Liam

"yeah we got back yesterday but had to do all of the debriefings, you know how it is" Niall says pulling me into a hug next

"not really but I'm just going to pretend I do" I hug Louis last, hugging just a little bit tighter

I am definitely closer to Louis than I am to the others, which I guess makes sense since he was in most of my classes. Or he was always outside, close when I got out.

The only reason they didn't come back to find me when I got kidnapped was because they were getting too good of information and they had no skills to help find me.

"so how are you" Niall asks looking at me

"I'm fine, you know nothing can keep me down for long" I say while putting my hands up and moving like we are going to start fighting, but with a big smile on my face

I haven't talked to these guys since I graduated last year, it was too risky too while they were doing their thing.

"so who are you guys taking down now?" I ask walking down the hallway now with Louis next to me, the rest following behind

"ahh, you know we can't tell you. But I'm sure you'll find out anyway" Liam says with a sly smile on his face

When we get to the elevator I suddenly see Theo and remember I never actually introduced them.

"crap sorry, guys this is Theo the younger brother to the British mafia leader. Theo this is Liam Niall and Louis, they work for us if you couldn't tell" I introduce them with a small smile on my face

They of course do the standard introductory hellos and all of that while I push the elevator button.

"you guys coming up to see everyone else?" I question when the elevator arrives

"why not" Niall says with a shrug

We all get on, not finding it squishy like it normally would be in a different building because of how big Alessandro made them.

Before we make it to the top I turn around to face the boys

"Far warning it's a little tense in there. oh and the Spanish mafia leaders are here as well," I say just before the doors open, turning around quickly and walking out before they can say anything

I don't bother looking back before opening the door. All of the boys are back sitting down in chairs and looking only slightly less bored, although there are a few glances between them nothing really has changed.

Matteo goes over to Gerardo who is almost jumping out of his seat when he sees Matteo. Luckily for us, there is a ton of seating so we all grab a seat after Alessandro, Lorenzo and Elijah hug Niall, Louis and Liam. Theo stays with us, sitting next to me.

the time goes by as everyone's talking to each other I make note of how Matteo and Gerado look over at me and Theo, which never ends well when someone in this family does that.

"Can we please have some lunch now" Bruno groans from the other side of the room

"I suppose we should all take a break. How about we all go to our house and we can have lunch there and then spend the rest of the day there. the boys have found enough for today" Alessandro says standing up and grabbing his coat

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