Chapter 75

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Violet's pov

Turns out were moving into Uncle Federico and Aunt Alice's place, Seeing as we have a lot of siblings we don't really want to move into another house that has a lot of people, and since they are closer to school while also have more guards posted near.

I know it's bad but whenever we went over to somebody else's house we always stayed on the ground floor and only really went to the second floor when we were going to the games room. That's when we would even go to their house, mostly everyone just came to our house. So actually getting a walk-through of their house is a little weird, I mean it's practically the same layout as ours with slight differences.

Alonzo's room is where mine would be so I'm three doors down from him. It's a nice room, there's everything you would need plus a little more. I have a massive bathroom that has everything we have at home except it's in neutral colours. I also have a massive bedroom and walk-in closet.

It kind of feels like I'm meeting my brothers for the first time again. I mean this is pretty much what happened, except I am already in a great place with people that actually love me.

Instead of unpacking things I leave all the boxes the boys brought up, refusing to let me even pick up one. apparently, now that I'm hurt I can't do anything myself, Last night I went to go get a cup of water and almost got yelled at when I was stubborn and still tried to get it. I did end up letting Elijah get me water but only to save myself at least some self-dignity.

I take the stairs slowly, I put up a brave front for everyone but my body is constantly aching and every slight move hurts. I still have to put this ointment on my cuts which is practically my whole body but I don't want to ask any of my family. I don't want them to see how bad it is or what they did to me. But it's going to suck putting this ointment on every single day. Apparently, it helps heal things faster and makes sure you don't get infected but I already know it's going to hurt like hell.

Making it to the bottom of the stairs finally, I go straight where the noise is coming from. The living room is the same size as ours just a little bit smaller. I guess you don't really need all this space if people aren't coming over often.

Not many people are here but it is still really lively and loud. The one thing I do notice though is that Alex and Theo aren't here. Theo's parents are and so is all my brother except Sandro which I'm sure they are both doing work. From what I could get last night it sounds like Charles is almost exactly the same as Sandro.

Leaving the living room I go to the spare office that I'm sure they are both using to their full advantage.

Low and behold when I enter the room Sandro is sitting at the desk with a bunch of paperwork and Charles is on his computer. Both of them don't look up when I enter the room but Alessandro pauses for just a slight second.

Walking over to the couch I sit on the other end of the couch without making it obvious or weird. I make sure to go down slowly and carefully and then just plop when I get to the end and can't squat anymore.

By the time I look up, Alessandro is now looking up from his papers and at me with slight concern on his face.

"So you guys are social for all of two hours and then you go back to hiding in offices, doing work that you can hand off to other people" I exhale, making it sound more dramatic than it is

"We can't just hand this off to anyone and we don't want our family to have to pick up the slack" Sandro replies looking straight at me

"Yeah but what happens when you enviably get too old to do everything that needs to be done? Nobody will know what to do or how to do it and then two of the most powerful mafias will crumble and fall until it is so easy to take up that they do it in bright daylight" I make sure Charles is listening too because he also needs to change I mean they were even talking business last night at the table when everyone was eating

"And it doesn't have to be family doing the things you're not doing, Sandro you have James and Charles I know Theo is begging to do some more things than whatever he's doing. He is bored and you have too much on your plate so hand some things to him and teach him things when you both finally have time" After that I stand, a little faster than I sat because they are both watching me

When I get a couple of feet from the door Alessandro's voice stops me

"When did you get so grown up" he says almost Rhetorically

"Who do you think was solving problems when you were sleeping" I smile back at him, walking out the door

It's around 8 when I make it to the living room again this time there is one more person. A person I really need to talk to. Standing in the doorway I stare at him until he looks my way, which doesn't take very long. Motioning my head in the direction of the hallway I walk away when he nods slightly before standing.

It doesn't take long before he's next to me. Not saying anything I lead the way to uncle Fredrico's office, he is in the lounge room so I don't have to worry about anyone being in here. Closing to door behind us, I walk over to the couch while Alex just stands awkwardly at the door.

"What is the deal you have with my brother?" I ask once the pain has gone down a little from moving

"he is going to help me take over the mafia and change basically everything about it. He is also going to be teaching me how to do the day-to-day. In exchange we become allies and when he needs my men I give them to him" Alex is a little hesitant when first speaking but when he gets more comfortable he takes little steps toward me almost like he doesn't realise he's doing it

When he finishes he's a couple steps from the other end of the couch, looking unsure how he gets there and if he should sit, eventually he just sits but makes sure he is almost glued to the side of it.

"Did you know your father had me and was torturing me every day" This time I'm a little more stern with my tone showing just how angry I am

"No not until I say you strapped to the chair. I just thought something was happening because he was coming home last every night" Alex is speaking so fast almost like he is afraid I'm going to get up and leave

"Last question Why did you befriend me knowing who I was when we first met" This could go any number of ways

"I didn't do it because my father made me if that's what you're thinking. I liked spending time with you, you didn't immediately hate me and you weren't afraid of me, you were sweet and I felt like I could tell you anything and you wouldn't judge me" Alex is looking straight into my eyes almost pleading with me to see he is telling the truth

"So your father had no idea that we were friends, you didn't use me just to get information out of me" At this point I don't have a reason to trust anything he is saying he could be lying so he doesn't have to go back to his family yet

"No of course not, I just wanted to have a friend that I didn't have to pretend with" Alex sighs defeated and almost slumps down

I sit there for a couple of minutes in silence before I will myself to stand and walk out the door. Thinking about everything he just said and wondering if any of it is the truth. 

. ☾ . 

okay so this also kind of sucks but im trying to figure out what to do next so bear with me 

anyway i hope your having an amazing day/ night and if your not i hope it gets better

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