Chapter 84

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Violet's pov

It's been twenty minutes, we are all kind of just sitting here while James and Antonio work together trying to get information on the guy who helped kidnap me. Antonio's parents have been talking with Alessandro this whole time, mostly they are talking about work with the mafias and all that but every now and then they start talking about me. Either a memory about me and Antonio or Alessandro asking something about me.

Every time they say something I can see Alesandro's jaw getting tighter, to the point where it looks like it hurts.

Deciding he should have to hear anything more I go over to them drawing all of their attention to me.

" I was just wondering if you guys would like to go down to the cafeteria or sorts we have to get some food and bring back food for everyone else" I explain looking at Mr and Mrs Martinez only taking a small glance at Alessandro

With him and Ares finding out about how my 'parents' treated me this morning then my old best friend and his parents coming and telling his stories it must be a lot to take.

They both nod their heads rather quickly getting up from their seats and following me out of the room. the elevator comes almost straight away but now we have a kind of long wait to get to the bottom floor, and right now we are all just looking ahead in silence.

It isn't really awkward but it isn't fully comfortable at least not for me, deciding to break the silence I turn and face them both.

"so the Spanish mafia huh?" all of the time I knew them they didn't even get a parking ticket so it seems almost laughable that they run the Spanish mafia

"yes, we took over from my father the year we moved to town. We would have told you but we wanted to you have a normal childhood and not have to worry about all of this" Mrs Martinez says looking at me

"well they turned out well" I say in a lightful manner

They don't get a chance to reply before the doors open and we are brought right into the centre of everything. I walk kind of fast not really liking all of the eyes on me. It was bad when I got back from being tortured but now that the Spanish mafia leaders are behind me there isn't anyone who isn't looking at us as we walk past.

Finally getting to the cafeteria I look back at them making sure they are actually behind me before looking forward.

"grab anything you want, we have almost too much food so don't worry about it, then meet me at a table I guess" See both of them nod we walk off in different directions, me heading straight to the snacks and getting a bunch of food for all of my brothers and cousins. In sure they could use something to do while waiting instead of just sitting in silence.

I grab a big basket and just pull off of the snacks I know they like grabbing whatever I can, lollies, chips, bars and even a couple of apples for people who actually care about their health.

Then I walk over to the drinks and do the same, grabbing any drinks I know they like. Before my arms fall off I quickly look around the room, ignoring all of the stares I'm getting looking to see if they have gotten their food yet and are sitting at a table.

I find them walking toward a table deep in conversation. Grabbing both baskets I head over to the direction they were walking in. We meet up in the middle and as soon as they see me Mr Martinez grabs one of the baskets from me while chuckling slightly.

"thank you" I reply while looking briefly at him before turning to find a free table. Seeing one we all head over to it, settling in before looking at each other.

All throughout my life I have always wondered if they knew what was happening to me. If they knew that my 'parents' we hurting me, if they just left not caring what happened to me or If they truly had no idea and believed all of the lies I told them.

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