Chapter 26

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Violet's pov

Laying in bed with Alessandro beside me asleep is kind of weird, I mean normally I would be in pain, laying on a dirty old mattress with nobody but me. And now I'm laying on a big comfortable bed with a brother beside me and I haven't been hurt in over two weeks.

I still can't believe that I had a nightmare in front of the whole family. I know that they were there, I could hear Xander wake me up from my nightmare by yelling and when I woke up I saw all of their faces just looking at me with concern and worry.

It was nice though how they all left the room and are now pretending that they weren't there, I mean I don't know what it would be like tomorrow when I see everyone but I'm hoping everyone will either forget about it or just don't do or say anything and not be worried.

If they're worried then they will start looking at me more and if they start looking at me more, I'm sure I will stuff up and they will find out about everything and they can't find out about everything, it will ruin everything. They will see me as weak and they will pity me, it will change the way they see me, and it can't happen.

Things are finally working out for me and if they find out, it will all change.

Deciding that I couldn't do anything about it right now, I try and shut down my thinking and go to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, I surprisingly didn't have a nightmare, normally I have one if not two or three during the night but last night the only one I had was downstairs in the lounge room.

Looking next to me I see Alessandro wake awake and just looking at me with a small smile on his face

I just groan and roll over so my face is mushed into the pillow. Hearing Alessandro chuckle, moving my head to the side I look at him while he observes my face, I just raise an eyebrow in questioning.

"I'm proud of you, with how you've taken everything about the mafia and all of the things that go with it" his face looks like everything he says is sincere making my heart melt. It feels good to hear that, honestly I had no idea how they would take it finding out that I know and also what I've been doing to help them the past two days

I smile a very big smile and just stare at him trying to remember this moment, with what I've gone through I like to remember all of the good memories

"thank you... We better get up and get downstairs otherwise I'm sure everyone will come in here and never leave" I say chuckling a little at the end

Smiling at me he gets up and starts heading out of the room while I go into my walk-in closet to grab clothes to have a shower.

After washing my hair and body, shaving and having a small dance party I get out and dry myself changing into a simple outfit making sure to wear tights as well to cover all of my skin.

After washing my hair and body, shaving and having a small dance party I get out and dry myself changing into a simple outfit making sure to wear tights as well to cover all of my skin

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After straightening my hair and putting on perfume and deodorant, I walk down the never-ending staircase and head to the kitchen to get a small snack.

Me staying here and having to eat every meal is really annoying and I'm always super full. But at least I think they care enough actually to make me eat every meal and if I eat something that I small but big enough I can most of the time get away with it.

As I'm heading downstairs I can hear most of the family in the kitchen talking and laughing. Honestly, I am really hoping that nothing will change, I'm really hoping that they will all just think that it is a normal nightmare, on the everyone gets.

Taking a deep breath I walk into the kitchen, some of the conversations stop while the others just act as if nothing happened, the ones that stopped talking are mostly the younger ones.

Acting like I know nothing has changed I do my somewhat normal routine which is smiling at the first person near me, heading to the bench closets to the cabinet that has cereal. Hoping I can get away with only putting a small amount in my bowl.

Taking my bowl and walking over to the table the only free seat is next to Alessandro sitting at the head of the table and Leonardo so pretty much two out of like five of the father figures, this is just so fun!! Note the sarcasm (kind of just put that in there bc I was reading the first couple of chapters and I put that a lot)

I just sit down and start eating, most of the time I don't really talk until it's like 9/10-ish in the morning so it's not that unusual. As I'm almost done I find it really hard to finish the bowl, I look around the table trying to wait for a little until I'm not so full.

Some of them glance at me a little not really trying hard to keep it hidden, I know that they are just worried about me and see if I'm okay but if your going to pretend you don't know anything at least don't make it obvious.

Turning to look down at my bowl I try and put more in my mouth, chewing slowly I try not to make eye contact with anyone.

"so Bambina, how are you feeling?" Leonardo asks from beside me, looking like he was asking a question beneath the question

(Bambina- baby)

I just look at him, chewing more slowly now. Hearing that there is now no sound anymore I look around the room to see that everyone has stopped doing everything and is looking at me.

Seriously why couldn't they just leave it alone. I really just want to pretend that nothing happened so I just look back at Leonardo and put on a confused face.

"Ummm, I'm fine" I say making sure to look confused about the whole situation

Leonardo just stares at me trying to see if I'm lying, Me being the perfect person I am just keeps looking at him and keeps my confused face on. Eventually, he just clears his throat and goes back to eating his food.

I just look at him a little longer before visibly shrugging and going back to the little bit of cereal I have left, hopefully, that will convince them that I'm all fine.

Everyone just goes back to what they were doing, and all of the conversations go on but never fully to what it was like before I walked into the room. I don't miss though how Leonardo and Alessandro look at each other and seem to have a conversation with each other through their eyes.

honestly, this is just kind of annoying, like just leave me and my secrets alone go and think about yours.

Trying to get my mind off of this topic I get up and walk away, just as I put my dishes in the sink Elijah just had to open his mouth

"aren't you going to eat anything else?" he says looking at me causing some of the family to stop and look at me

Turning around I just give a small smile and shake my head

"no, I'm full" I say just trying to get out of here, I feel like drawing, maybe even try to paint if I can find any around here

"are you sure, you didn't really eat much" Elijah says drawing more attention to the situation

I just grumble and then look at him with may I say my most famous look, the puppy dog eyes and a pout. Everyone paying attention visibly softens when they think I'm not looking or paying attention to them.

"alright go on, you still have to come down for lunch though don't forget" he says after a while of just looking at me. With a smile and a nod, I quickly walk out of the room, all the way up the stairs to my room and start to draw, not thinking about anything but just letting my hand go wherever it wants to.

. ☾ . 

what she ends up drawing or painting is the photo up the top, you guys can decide for yourself if you want it as a drawing or painting 

my darling violetOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara