Chapter 28

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Violet's pov

It took a little while for the boys to make sure that I was completely okay, but when they left I could tell they were hesitant. As soon as everyone left I got out the files that alexander brought.

Looking over them, I go to the part where it is talking about the Spanish mafia. Honestly, it is kind of boring stuff but I still want to read it, I mean it's talking about my family's mafia and my best friends. Really the only thing that it was talking about is what the plans were and how the Spanish were trying to fight them off.

After having my little break from looking through the files I go back to looking through all of the people my family employs. Honestly, I am kind of hoping that my family had a smaller business, I mean it takes me hours if not days just to look through one person. They have like four thousand, it's a little annoying but fun.

Right now I'm not even a third way into it. Going into the next person I look through a little bit of their information, there was one thing that was sticking out. He would always visit the same place at the same time every day.

Looking into it a little more I look up the address, it seems to be a hotel that is owned by someone that works closely with the Asian mafia. The person that owns the hotel is seemingly not high up in the chain but you can never know.

I decide that it's probably nothing but I just want to be sure. I do a thorough background check on Chan Ming the person that owns the hotel. It seems that he also goes to the hotel at the same time too.

Honestly, I have no idea how to do anything else so I just write down both of their names on a piece of paper and then just go on to the next person.

I follow the same proses for hours until I get really tired and bored, thinking that maybe I should stop I grab the piece of paper and walk downstairs trying to find one of the older ones.

Walking down the stairs I hear talking in the loungeroom and in the dining room, honestly, I don't think that the older ones wouldn't be in the loungeroom so I just turn and go into the dining room.

As I walk into the dining room I see Massimo, Leonardo, Francesco, Matteo, Giuseppe, Gerardo, Alessandro, Elijah and Lorenzo. Walking straight to Alessandro, I give him a small tap on his shoulder to get his attention away from his computer.

"hey, so um I found this person that works for you and I honestly have no idea what to do more so I thought you guys could look at him while your double checking the rest of my work" I say rambling a little bit

Alessandro chuckles a little bit before taking the piece of paper and looking at it.

"Jack Filaria and Chan Ming. Who's the second person and what's their connection?" he asks with a furrowed brow

"he works for the Asian mafia, for what I can tell he isn't very far up in the ranks. They go to Chan's hotel every Friday at the same time every week"

"mhm, okay we'll look into it, hopefully, it won't be anything too bad" he says turning back to his computer seemingly going to look into both of them.

I honestly don't want to do any more work so I turn around and look back at Alessandro

"Can I stop doing this for today?" I ask looking as hopeful as I can.

"Bambina you don't need to ask, you can stop whenever you want. Plus you're still way ahead of us" he says chuckling a little at the end

(Bambina- baby)

"okay cool" with that I turn around again and walk out of the room and go straight into the lounge room

The rest of the family just sat on the couches, some playing games and some talking. The only open space was between Andrea and Romeo.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Romeo asks as I sit down

"what a girl can't just sit down on the couch in her own home?" I say as sarcastically as I can

"that's not what I meant, you are normally in Elijah's office all the time every day. It's surprising that you're here"

"well for your information I got a maybe lead and I don't really wanna do work right now, I'll probably be back in the office this afternoon though" I reply with a sigh

"you do know that your 15 and that your not actually one of the bosses, why don't you let one of the guys handle it?" Nicolo says walking into our conversation

"yeah but it's fun and what else am I supposed to do, I have no friends and I'm not allowed to leave the house without one, you guys"

"yeah but you don't have to work until you drop, you are doing work the same amount as Alessandro" Nicolo says sounding almost condescending

"yeah well if you find something your good at and like why wouldn't you spend a lot of time doing it" I reply with a final tone.

for the next couple of hours, I just hang out with them watching them play video games, and then I went back into Elijah's office and did more of the work.

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