Chapter 44

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ahhh this is the longest one so far 2000 words so get ready 

Violet's pov

I don't know how I feel about science I mean the teacher is fine, but he actually teaches so I don't talk to him and I have no friends in this class. I just sit by myself and actually do schoolwork, I don't know it's kind of just a filler subject and science I find pretty easy so I don't really pay attention. After science though I have art and Italian so It's not so bad.

Halfway through the class the teacher had to leave so now everyone is just talking to their friends and then there is me, I just keep my head down not looking at anyone. In this class, it's mostly all of the jocks and cheerleaders and all of them are as stereotypical as you can get.

Pulling me out of my thoughts is a person sitting on the desk next to me, their body facing me. Looking up I see the captain of the lacrosse team, in this school, they are really big on sports so we have almost everything. with the captain is who I think is the head cheerleader, I'm not actually sure if she is called a captain so I'm just going with the head cheerleader.

"Your violet right? The long-lost sister of the Costello brothers" the head cheerleader doesn't even try and be nice when she says it

"yeah I am, why?" I ask sceptically not knowing where this could be going

"well we were talking and we think that you should join the cheer team, you would look really good in the uniform" I will never join the cheer team they all consist of entitled girls with a really short skirt and tight shirt, who think that every guy want to sleep with them

"oh come on Olivia she won't join her brothers would never allow her too, they don't want their precious little sister getting hurt" the jock says smugly

"They don't control me. And I wouldn't join the cheer team even if I was being forced to" both of their smirks drop when they hear what I said at the end

"what you think that just because you're a Costello that means your too good for us. News flash your not, your just their little pet and soon they will leave you all alone" with that she turns on her heals and walks away making sure she hits me in the face with her hair

"sorry about her, she just is stressed because one of the girls is moving so she needs replacing. And you are insanely hot, you would make a lot of people come to the games" as he says this he slides closer to me almost being on top of me when he finishes

"well they will just have to find someone better" I reply trying to still be nice but just really wanting this conversation to end

"it's going to be really hard to get anyone better than you" he slowly moves his hand closer towards mine and eventually touching my hand going to grab it.

I stand up as soon as he touches my hand and pull it away from him but before I can say anything the classroom door bangs open and the jock is being pulled back to the ground, with another person on top of him starting to beat the crap out of him.

Moving around to see who is on top of the jock is kind of hard because as soon as they were both on the floor everyone was crowding around them. Finally pushing through everyone and making it to the front I can see both of them clearly.

The jock is on the floor trying to get the guy off of him with his face covered in blood, he has blood dripping down onto his shirt from his nose and mouth. If you hadn't been here when the fight started you wouldn't know that it was the jock laying on the floor, his face was unrecognisable.

The person beating the shit out of him was none other than Alexander. His face was pretty clean, only little splashes of blood was getting on his face from the hits that he was giving. His face was twisted in anger and his sole focus was beating this guy to a pulp.

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