Chapter 80

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Violet's pov

Getting to James' floor, which surprisingly doesn't have that many people on, we head straight for the office at the back of the building. One thing I've noticed is that every floor that is for offices they all have the same floor plan. So right now we are heading towards what would be Alessandro's office if we were on the top floor.

When we get there James is still looking through everything about the guy's life. Going through where he was born all the way to what he was doing in this building today. It will take a long time for James to get everything but right now we kind of just want an overview, like names, date of birth, and when he joined the mafia.

"what do you have so far" Alessandro asks almost looming over his desk

"It's been a little hard to find everything, someone really didn't want us to know anything about this guy but I have been able to pull some things with the photo you guys gave me" James replies not taking his eyes off the screen

James still without taking his eyes off the screen passes a folder to Alessandro, not saying anything else we go over to the couch and split what tiny things are in the folder.

All I have are small amounts of texts which I'm assuming was from his phone that someone has gotten off him, and his birth certificate which states that he's 27 and was born in California. Going through the messages.

All of which were about planning how they were going to take down our mafias, which also included how if they were to take me I would tell them all their secrets and then they could kill me, seeing my dead body would apparently send everyone in the family basically insane and they would be so weak all Mikael had to do was walk into our house and take it out from under us.

I mean it was an okay plan but it wouldn't have worked, at least I hope not. I would hope everyone would be strong enough to work through the pain and continue living their lives.

Looking over at Alessandro, seeing how he is in deep concentration looking over all the things he has. Sighing not wanting to bother him I stand and go over to the two chairs in front of James's desk. Slumping down in the seat I look around the room taking notice of a few things before looking in front of me at James who is now looking at me.

"what's up, kid?" James asks stopping everything he is doing

"I feel useless, all I can do is point out a guy, Alessandro didn't even want me coming here, and I can barely move without something hurting" I look back multiple times to make sure Alessandro is still looking at the folder while speaking

As much as I love him, he doesn't need to hear about me right now, I mean there is so much shit to do and we can't afford to be distracted right now.

"They are just worried about you, they don't want to push you too hard and you are still healing from what sounds like really bad wounds. The more you do nothing and heal the quicker you can do things again" James explains looking almost sympathetic but hiding it for my sake

Nodding I sit there for a couple of seconds before looking up at James with a slight smile on my face.

"you're a busy guy right, you have a lot of work to get done in a day?" I question looking at James

"yes I do why" he questions looking really sceptic

"Why don't I help you do some of the easier things, I know my way around a computer and while I'm not you or Matthew, I can do most things" Just in case he says no I hit him with my puppy dog eyes which surprisingly I haven't had to use that much

"fine but you're sitting in here and you have to clear it with Alessandro first" James says drawing Sandro's attention

"it's fine by me, maybe then you will actually have something when I ask for it" Alessandro says jokingly

And with that, I start helping with the tiny things he needs just to see if I can actually do that. Mostly it's just erasing footage or getting a name from someone with the footage.

It's a couple of hours later, James has found more information on who we now know as Ben Willow age 27 and he was born in California. We also have his family tree and a couple of other things. So Alessandro is still sitting on the couch looking through everything, even things he has gone through 'just in case he missed something' Personally I think it's because he can't remember what he's gone through and what he hasn't.

Me on the other hand I've gotten through a lot, I'm now done with all the tiny tasks which let me tell you were a lot. I'm now doing things like what James is doing but on a smaller scale. Basically, there are a ton of buys that are happening soon so I have to look into who the buyer is and try and find if there is anything we should know or worry about.

I haven't actually done a lot of it because every time I finish one another three small tasks appear, because apparently no one ever sleeps including this mafia.

Nobody seems to be taking a break and my body is killing me. Getting up and stretching, I look over at the clock and see that it's 5 pm a little early for dinner but I'm starving since we haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm sure James and Sandro are starving too since they eat way more food than me.

"I'm going for a quick walk ill be back" I explain walking to the door, I get a quick okay from Alessandro before walking out the door and heading straight for the elevator. Going to the bottom level, I smile at the few people I've actually talked to and don't mind. Finally getting to the cafeteria thing I grab whatever I can food and drink wise. I don't really know exactly what James likes so I grab quite literally everything. I make sure to grab three water bottles and then some other drinks, guessing we are going to be here for a couple more hours.

People look at me weirdly seeing all this food in my arms as I head back to James' office but considering my brother is their boss they don't say anything even one or two people asking if I need any help.

After struggling greatly to push the freaking elevator buttons I make it to James' door, knowing that I won't be able to open it myself I just use my foot to knock on the door, although it does come out as banging.

James opens the door a fraction not knowing who it is but when he sees me and what I'm carrying he opens the door fully with a surprised face. Making it to the table near the couch I drop all of the things on there are carefully as I can.

Then I start handing random food items to both of them now that Alessandro is also looking at me in surprise, I also make sure to hand them both water knowing we are all probably dehydrated.

"We haven't eaten since breakfast" I tell Alessandro "and you probably haven't eaten at all" I say turning to James

"you would be right about that" James says pointing at me

We all take a break from what we were doing and instead start opening all the food and eating, knowing that most of this will be gone in 30 minutes. 

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