Chapter 70

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Violet's pov

It's been a while and everyone is still in there. the sounds of guns shooting are all you can really hear. All I've been doing is trying to get as much energy as I can, none of us have been speaking. We are all just looking in the direction of where every single person we love are being shot at.

When I finally have enough energy that I can actually do something I stand up, catching both Aunt Aurora's and Valentina's attention. Both of them take a step toward me while Aunt Valentina brings her arms around me, ready to catch me if I fall.

"I'm okay, but they aren't, we should be gone by now" As I'm speaking I walk over to the back of the vehicle and open the boot, grabbing three guns and as much ammo as I can

Both aunts look confused when I come back to where they are standing. I know it sounds and looks a little weird with me being in the state I am but they need as much help as they can get.

"you can't go back in there, you just got out barely conscious" Aunt Valentina basically yelled at me but I know it was only in concern for me

"I'm fine I can walk by myself and I will be in the middle with plenty of other people. You guys are welcome to come and keep an eye on me if you really want to" I shrug only taking a couple of steps

Aunt Aurora runs to the back of the vehicle and grabs a gun and two cartridges of ammo before running up next to me. Aunt Valentina is frozen for a second before doing the exact same thing as Aunt Aurora. They take a couple of steps in Infront of me when we get to the opening of the wall and when we get into the building we sneak past all the people and go into the middle where Xander and Xavier are shooting down as many people as they possibly can.

It takes a second for me to get used to the loud gun fire again but when I've finally gotten used to it I'm squatting between Xavier and Xander loading my gun and focusing on taking down as many people as I can.

Despite being here for a while, close to an hour, there are still a lot of Swedish soldiers, there is only a third of them down and there seem to be more soldiers coming through the only remaining doors. Alex was kind of off to the side shooting the random Swedish person who was getting too close to us but it looks like it's kind of killing him to do it every time and he never shoots to kill he is either shooting them in their leg or shoulder.

It was honestly really hard to shoot any of these damn Swedish soldiers but eventually, I got two down. Sighing I know it is going to take way too long for us the be able to take down enough for us to leave. Looking over to Alex again, I make a split-second decision. I'm running over to Alex that is slightly leaning against the wall at the very front of everyone.

Aunt Aurora tries to grab my hand when I run passed her but she just barely grazes me. Finally reaching Alex, he looks confused as hell when he sees me but before he can say anything I interrupt him

"How can we get behind them?" I ask pointing to the soldiers right in Infront of us

It takes a little bit for him to get over the shock of everything, with me being up and him trying to think but when he finally thinks it through he grabs my hand instead of speaking knowing it is hard as hell to hear what you're saying yourself.

We go back out of the building and round the corner that doesn't have any cars. We enter the same building but a different entrance. It is completely deserted, it honestly looks kind of nice if you forget what this place actually is. We are kind of running kind of fast walking so it doesn't take long after taking lots and lots of twists and turns.

Eventually, we are at one of the hallways and the hallway when you turn the corner is packed with soldiers just waiting to get into the fight. So after looking at each other, we knew exactly what we were going to do.

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