Chapter 33

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Violet's pov

For once in my life I was actually having a good sleep, I mean like an actual sleep where I don't wake up shaking and sweating living through my worst nightmares. But of course, life hates me so they decide to not let that happen.

I'm awoken by a very loud sound coming from down the hallway, thinking that it's just one of my stupid brothers I just go back to sleep or try to anyways, that is before my bedroom door is opened and the loud siren-like noise comes closer and closer towards me.

Honestly, at this point, I don't care who it is, I really want to boil them, how dare they interrupt my sleep and then decide that this is how they will wake me up.

I was doing a marvellous job at ignoring the siren when that person decides to dump a whole ass jug of water over me, effectively waking me up but like really just tap my shoulder or something no need to wet me and the mattress.

Opening my eyes to yell at the person. I'm startled as hell to see a person I don't know standing right Infront of me with both a can thingy that was making siren noises and an empty jug of water.

Not knowing who this guy is I grab the thing that is close to me and just throw it at his head, ultimately he catches it and just looks at me.

"get the hell out of here you weirdo" I yell at the top of my lungs praying to god that someone in this family heard me and is awake.

The guy puts his hands out in Infront of him and slowly puts the things down, obviously seeing and hearing the panic on my face and in my voice, as he is slowly getting back up into a normal stance I can hear footsteps coming towards my room, multiple, like maybe three.

The random guy in my room doesn't say anything, seemingly waiting for whoever to walk through those doors and not long after the doors swing open and in walk Alessandro, Elijah, and Lorenzo all dressed and ready for the day and seemingly not panicked at all that there is a man in my bedroom.

"Who the hell is this and why in gods name is he in my room" I say more calmly knowing that my brothers are here and that they aren't panicked

"Bambina, we told you that Carlos would be coming today to train you. This is how he likes to wake us up, unfortunately" Alessandro explains

(Bambina- baby)

"why in gods name do you like doing this" I exclaim gesturing to my bed and face

"well normally they don't freak out and scream and throw a glass at me" said Carlos speaks

"how do you expect me to act when a stranger is in my room"

"to either first use your words to find out why they're in here or to punch them. I'll teach you it today though. So enough chit-chat and get changed we have a lot to get over and something tells me it's going to take a while"

I just stare at Carlos before looking at Alessandro. Somehow even though I have no emotions on my face Alessandro can tell there is something wrong so he tells Carlos and the other two to meet them downstairs in the gym.

After looking to make sure that they're fair enough before looking back at me

"Listen, Elijah, Lorenzo and I will be with you the whole time but Carlos is a good guy you can trust him, we all grew up with him around and he trained us all. He was a good friend to dad and he still helps us when he can" Alessandro says seemingly reading my thoughts

I nod my head still thinking if I should trust him or not, I mean everyone is saying I can but I don't want to trust someone just because some people say that I can. Deciding not to keep everyone waiting I nod my head and then walk into my closet and grab the first pair of gym clothes I see and then put them on, not bothering having a shower because I'll be all sweaty when we finish so there's no point.

Pulling my hair up into a ponytail I put shoes and socks on and then put on deodorant and then walk down to the gym. While walking to the gym I realise that I have no idea what the time is so I take out my phone and turn it on, when I read the time I'm actually kind of happy but surprised. It's 5 am so Carlos would have woken me up at like 4:30-ish which is honestly better than what I normally sleep.

I'm dead. I'm sweating so freakin much and my body hurts. We've been 'working out' for like two-three hours, for me it's death. Alessandro, Elijah and Lorenzo are just sitting on the side watching me die and they're doing nothing, just watching me.

It started with Carlos making me punch him and make a fist, just getting the basics of fighting down, that was pretty easy, and it didn't take that long to do so then we went onto stances and the right and wrong way.

And then after that Carlos just started throwing punches to see how quickly I can defend myself, I could tell that he wasn't really trying and he wasn't putting much force into it which I was grateful for. Carlos said that I was pretty quick with my reflexes so then he started going faster and stronger.

It was pretty much like that every time I was doing somewhat okay until he decides to make it more annoying. After I was flat-out failing he decided that I need to work out to build up muscle.

We went over to the punching bag and he just made me keep punching and punching the stupid bag. And then he made me do freakin' pull-ups, sit ups and literally anything else that would help make muscle for me.

And now I'm laying on the floor, sweating and puffing, feeling too exhausted to move so all I'm doing is laying on the floor. The three bros are just sitting there looking at me and trying to fight to smile.

"Bambina, why don't you get up and go have a shower" Elijah says just to mock me

"shut up, you know I can move idiot" I barely get out

This just causes them to laugh and shake their heads. Alessandro gets up from where he is sitting and lies on the floor next to me. He doesn't say anything but just looks at me, I can't tell that he finds it funny or humorous that I'm like this.

"come on you will feel better once you get in the shower and freshen up"

"I would if I could move" I say the last part laughing tiredly

For the first time I hear Carlos laughs, I just look at him and try not to throw something at him.

"shut up it's your fault I can't move" I half yell too tired to actually yell so it kind of comes out as just above a normal voice

I just lay there for a bit before very slowly getting up and very slowly walking up the stairs and then have a shower taking a long ass one because I frankly deserve it.

For the rest of the day, I just do nothing but lay around, my body too sore to do anything.

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