Chapter 9: A Bittersweet Realization

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Aiden's POV:

"Black knights! Black knights!" (Cheers)

"Prince! Prince!"(Cheers)

"Kill all the monsters!" (Cheers)

"We will be saved!" (Cheers)

As the Black knights were getting closer to the first gate the cheers got even louder.

"Your highness, you should at least smile a little. They are cheering for us." (Gohem, said)

"Yes your highness my dad is right, look I think they want to give you something" (William, said)

As the father and son duo tried to lighten the dry mood Aiden turned to look  to his left where William had pointed.

Aiden's purple eyes widened when he saw a small girl with white hair approaching them along with her mother and father.

'She has similar hair color to her' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

The father stepped forward first. He was wearing a thin olive green shirt and brown bottoms with yellow patches on the side. His hair was also pretty messy but it was a nice ash brown.

"We wish our prince and the Black Knights luck in the mission submission." (Lin, said)

Lin was the father of Ronna the small little girl.

Soon the mother Charlotte had also taken a step forward, carrying Ronna in her arms.

"Even though Aspen is not a place for an honorable prince like you we are all thankful for you for protecting us just so people like us can live here safer." (Charlotte, said)

"Your highness, I know this is not much for everything you are doing for us but we hope you can take this as a token of gratitude and good luck." (Charlotte, said)

The woman with a gray patched-up country girl outfit lifted up her daughter near Aiden's eye level.

"Uhm..t-this is for you." (Ronna, said)

The light sliver-haired girl who's hair almost seemed a white color had dark brown patched-up dress extended a blue flower to Aiden.

As Aiden's hands were reaching for the flower, he stopped.

'Ha, even that princess' face comes to my mind at this moment, why am I having such thoughts.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Finally, Aiden took the flower, looked at Roanna, and back at the flower.

'Similar to her hair and blue eyes like this flower for some reason it feels...lonely' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden smiled bitterly and his complexion turned dark.

At that moment the family flinched.

"Y-your highness we didn't mean to offend you with the flower it's just we are poor and the cond-" (Charlotte, said)

Aiden quickly interrupted Charlotte to ease her worries.

"I shall accept this flower, and you don't need to worry. It is my job to protect my people now so you no longer have to fear. Aspen will get better." (Aiden, said)

Aiden said as he held the flower gently.

After Aiden's clarification the family sighed in relief and then Roanna spoke.

"Prince, do you miss your princess?" (Roanna, asked)

At that moment everyone stood dumbfounded except for Charlotte who had seemed to have noticed as well.

'Ah! I had told Ronna that there was a prince and princess living in the Aspen castle. She has white hair like Ronna but my would you look at the prince's complexion.' (Charlotte's inner thoughts)

"I apologize your highness. My daughter is still small and has yet to learn but, if I say so myself it seems like you are missing a person." (Charlotte, said)

'What miss her? Do I miss her? Does this feeling mean I miss...her?! '(Aiden's inner thoughts)

It was now the moment that Aiden had realized why he felt this way as he blushed just thinking about it.

Then Charlotte read his thoughts again.

"Ah by the looks of it, perhaps a lover?" (Charlotte, asked)

"!" (Aiden)

"Oh, my it seems I am right." (Charlotte, said)

Charlotte had such a flowery atmosphere that Aiden responded quickly.

"No, not a lover, it just reminded me of someone that has similar hair color to your daughter and has blue eyes like this flower nothing else." (Aiden, said)

Aiden answered coldly as if he didn't care but it was evident that he was lying since the blush still remained in his cheeks.

At that reaction, all the knights started laughing since they had never seen Aiden flustered like that.

"Papaw, pfft" (Knights laughing)

Jacob a knight with yellow corned hair and  brown eyes corrected charlotte while wiping the tears from laughter and spoke.

"Oh no ma'am, not a lover but a wife." (Jacob, said)

"Haha, in fact, they're not even close. The princess and the prince hate each other, he's always saying how she has quite the personality and nobody has seen her for a long time and-" (Jacob, said)


William quickly covered Jacob's mouth.

'Dam it Jacob! I'm 22 years old I don't want to die yet before getting a girlfriend.' (William's inner thoughts)

Aiden turned his side face and glared at Jacob with a murderous look before turning back to ruffle his hair just to bring his hands down again to grip the horse rains.

'Ha, a wife? She a wife? As if!' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden thought angrily.

Charlotte noticed Aiden's change of attitude so she clarified herself.

"Uhm, your highness I know as a commoner I keep stepping out of place but I can see how much you cherish her then I hope you return safely and quickly reunite with her and talk out the misunderstandings." (Charlotte, said)

Charlotte smiled warmly as giving advice to a son while Ronna nodded in her mother's agreement.

'It's annoying talking about this's not unpleasant. (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Slowly a smile came across from Aiden's face as he thanked the couple and continued his journey.

But for the knights that smile was unknown.

Aiden hardly smiled and when he did was either like a prey or a psycho.

'He smiled?!' (Knight's inner thoughts)

The knights shivered in the scene of the prince smiling naturally for the first time.

**Next Chapter...Aneria won't take anyone's bull crap

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