Chapter 19: Authority

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"This is the office. Please come in, I shall bring you the castle papers." (Henry, said)

Henry bowed and left.

Surprisingly the office was quite spacious it had two red dusty couches with dark brown sanded wood around it. The office desk was covered by a dirty white sheet but once removed, it was in pretty good condition. Then there were two wide windows that were covered by two large brown blankets.

Aiden then looked at the walls.

It was originally a yellow color wallpaper but since the castle wasn't taken care of, the yellow wallpaper became moldy.

Then Aiden grabbed the chair by the desk and shook off the dust.


Chair noise.

"Where gonna have to get this fixed." (Aiden, said)

Aiden said to himself annoyed.

'Knock, knock' (Henry)

'Good he learned' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

"Come in" (Aiden, said)

The butler came in with a stack of papers and an unknown knight.

The man was wearing a Black knight's uniform with a black cape. He had orange hair and brown eyes. He also looked around forty-years old.

"This is the captain of the Black Knights" (Henry, said)

Henry continued.

"I have brought you the swordsmanship teacher." (Henry, said)

'Mmm... efficient butler. Seems like you made a good choice.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

"I greet the second prince, I am Gohem Ban. I am the captain of the Black Knights and I also apologize for the late greeting. I just finished coming from the subjection squad." (Gohem, said)

"Subjection squad?" (Aiden, asked)

"Yes you see, from time to time monsters cross the Aspen border." (Gohem, said)

"!" (Aiden)

'Monsters? There are monsters here? Not only does this land look destroyed but on top of that...monsters' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

"I see, then I have a question for your captain Gohem" (Aiden, said)

"Yes your highness?"(Gohem, asked)

"How did the king manage to get you and your knights to serve us since you have the Aspen crest?" (Aiden, asked)

"!" (Gohem)

'I can't say he threaten us can I?' (Gohem's inner thoughts)

'Even though the Celestial kingdom and Aspen have a border wall to block Aspen residence from entering we still count as a nearby abandoned nearby town that is at the hands of the king to be destroyed at any moment....we are an abandoned town who was invaded by monsters.' (Gohem's inner thoughts)

'We were lucky to manage to build some of our own borders to stop the monsters. All what we can do is fend for ourselves especially now that the Celestial King had threatened this town to take in this little prince and his new wife or else...' (Gohem's inner thoughts)

"We are still required to obey the kings rules for our citizens safety. The king gather me and other knights to protect your highnesses." (Gohem, said)

Aiden turned around and asked the butler

"What about you and the other servants here?"(Aiden, asked)

'I need to know at what level of closeness they are with the king.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

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