Chapter 40: Young Dukes

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*** WARNING: The chapter contains foul language, humiliation, and dead talk.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 40...

Many minutes ago-

Aiden saw Aneria leave with Natasha as Rhett's provocative snickering voice was heard behind him.

"When were you thinking of bringing my sister-in-law?" (Rhett, asked)

"She's a beauty" (Rhett, asked)

Just like a lustful man of the many others who had fallen desperately for her.

But this one was one of those that especially ticked you off.

'....' (Aiden)

Aiden decided to not give him the time of the day, he had to control himself.

He could not afford to punch him at least the beginning of what he was thinking of doing.

He was really restraining himself but he had to try his best since Aneria would be upset at him.

He rather restrain himself than Aneria being mad at him but that didn't mean he didn't get pissed off the way he was talking about her.

Aiden only turned his face sideways and glanced at him with cold eyes.

"Didn't the King ask you to introduce me to your noble friends?" (Aiden, asked)

'Ha, look at this bastard...if you think I'm simply gonna let you go with at least humiliating your dead wrong you bastard child' (Rhett's inner thoughts)

'If you're that desperate to get labeled then I'll gladly do it' (Rhett's inner thoughts)

Rhett thought as he moved next to Aiden with a side smirk as they began to walk together.

'What a satisfaction. With few words he's already gotten like this' (Rhett's inner thoughts)

Even if he tried not to show his bother Rhett knew he had ticked him off.

"The rumors of her extraordinary beauty don't do her justice, I thought they were so exaggerated that Aspen men would wait in front of the gate but seeing her now" (Rhett, said)

"I might give it a shot" (Rhett, said)

'I'll get you where it most hurts' (Rhett's inner thoughts)

His smirk widened.

'Pissed Off!'


Aiden halted his step and looked at him extremely pissed.

"Did you just call my wife an 'it'?" (Aiden, asked)


Rhett flinched at Aiden's furious aura.


"Do you know what I do to people who mess with my wife?" (Aiden, asked)

Without letting Rhett take a chance to breathe Aiden leaned close to Rhett with a cold intimidating voice.

"You should know, I'm sure you heard the rumors" (Aiden, said)

"They didn't call me a tyrant for no reason" (Aiden, said)

Aiden continued on as his words became sharper.

"I slaughtered many people who disrespected my wife or tried to touch her" (Aiden, said)

"If I'm not wrong, I recall saying these exact words to fools like you who didn't know their limits" (Aiden, said)

"I'm not a generous man" (Aiden, said)

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