Chapter 26: Poisoned Underwear

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**WARNING: Contains foul language if you are 18+ you good.

**Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 26...

The sun had now set and soon became dark.

In Harrison's room-


Window opening.


Wind coming in.

Aiden came in through Harrison's bedroom window.

He had his hair down instead of his regular left-sided parted hairstyle as he wore black pants and black shoes. His top was a tight black turtle neck that defined his muscular chest, his six-pack, and his strong v-line. This shirt had no sleeves which showed all of Aiden's muscular shoulders and biceps.

He was also wearing short half black gloves made out of the same material as his shirt. Along with a black bag that went around his hips.

He gave an impression of a secret assassin. As Aiden looked at the dark room he spotted Harrison's suitcase and walked towards it.

'Step, Step, Step'



Step stops.

'I have paid a little visit to each of your friends...I saved the best for last.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden in fact had sneaked into each of the delegate's rooms while they were busy attending the banquet.


Aiden opened Harrison's red and brown suitcase.


Aiden gazed at Harrison's clothes then turned his attention to the bag across his hips and took one bottle of green powder.

He reached for  Harrison's shirts and pants as he sprinkled half of the green powder into his clothes.

'Tss, Tsss'

Powder sprinkling.

Soon the green powder disappeared from Harrison's clothes.

Aiden put the rest of the green powder bottle into his pouch and reached for another bottle containing a dark purple powder.

His eyes turned back to Harrison's suitcase and dug out his underwear.

Aiden halted remembering Aneria's face when she got in the carriage with Harrison the day they first headed to Aspen. How she glared at Harrison with rage and hate.

'That man definitely has something to do with her. In the past, he was the one who rode the carriage with her on our wedding..' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden now had poured all of the purple powder into Harrison's underwear.

'Tss, tss'

Powder sprinkling.

As the dark purple powder disappeared Aiden smiled wickedly.

He put the underwear back down and left everything in its rightful place.

Then headed towards the window and opened it sticking one leg out already.  Looked back at Harrison's bed and said.

"It's only little of what is to come after messing with her." (Aiden, said)

Aiden said with a cold stare.

With that Aiden vanished from Harrison's room.

— Ten minutes later at the main castle bedroom hall —-

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