Chapter 17: Aiden's Past

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**WARNING: This chapter contains death, child abuse, tragedy, and humiliation.

**Alright Now Continuation of Chapter17...

As Aiden looked at his fancy white groom's appearance he remembered what his life was like before....

Now this will be the pov and back story of Adien's story:

Aiden at age, thirteen and a half years old


People coughing


Cats crying


Dog's barking

"Crack, crash"

Wine bottle breaking.

"Cough. Hey you kid." (Drunk men, said)

A drunk man sat on a medium-sized wooden box. As he called Aiden who was a tall skinny kid with a brown ragged dirty shirt and dirty short dressing pants that reached up to his ankles.

Aiden continued walking, ignoring the old drunk man carrying the brown sack of potatoes on his right shoulder.

This only enraged the drunk man's anger as he got up and screamed at the side of Aiden.

"You brat didn't your elders teach you to respond when someone is talking?" (Drunk men, yelled)

Aiden continued to walk as his black dirty hair swung back and forth.

'I still have quite some distance before I pass this man...what if he jumps at me? No, let's just keep ignoring him, mom is waiting.' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

"Why you stinking brat give it here!" (Drunk men, yelled)

The man waited for Aiden to come close. Aiden was now passing by him when suddenly the drunk man snatched the sack of potatoes away from Aiden.

'No the potatoes!' (Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden reached to grab the potato sack while the man grabbed the other end and then


The drunk men kicked Aiden in his stomach causing Aiden to fall to the ground.

"Cough, blegh"

Aiden spilled blood and which made the drunk man nervous.

" I-I told you to listen when I was talking. This is w-what happens next time y-you know." (The drunk, said)

Then he quickly ran away leaving with the sack of potatoes.

'Is this what I get for trying to live an honest life? I could have hit him but my mother hates it so now what am I going to tell my mother...'(Aiden's inner thoughts)

Aiden got up with his two weak hands and held on to the wooden box the drunk man was holding for support.

"Ugh" (Aiden complained in pain)

Aiden grabbed his left hand and wrapped it around his waist to ease his stomach pain as he walked home.

As he walked through those cracked floors and those wooden covered windows with wooden barrels in front of his house he saw his neighbors and a group of commoners surrounding his house.

"So it turns out she ran away?" (Whispers)

"How disgraceful of her"(whispers)

"Here we thought she was innocent. I guess faces can fool you" (Whispers)

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