Chapter 2

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Beam's POV

After dropping Phi Dream at the airport, her friend, Phi May, who was a stylist and the inventor of this great idea of replacing the twin brother and sister, took 'Beam' aka me with her to her salon. I seriously don't understand these women!!

"The hair is fixed. Even if someone pulls it, it won't come out. At least for a month. Don't worry, I will remind you for the next visit if something happens to it," Phi May said after making my hair and helping me to fix my fake chest.

The breasts were made of silicon but looked realistic. Its texture and complexion matched my skin.

"Aahhh!" I screamed which sounded more like a moan when Phi May pinched the silicon breast which made me embarrassed.

"Hahaha... I was just checking." Phi May laughed. Is this woman born to make me realise my last life's sins? But before that, I just wanted to ask...

"How's that possible??" I asked. I was shocked how can those fake boobs send sensations to my chest?

"There is an instrument, it's like a new invention, inside these fake breasts that connect your chest."

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Just in case your husband wants to squeeze it?" She winked and I imagined Phi Forth squeezing it. It creeped me out! I shook my head fast to get rid of that thought.

"Hahaha..." She laughed. "Okay. But this is only for your makeout, if he wants to go further, you should say, 'Phi Forth, I'm not ready yet,' okay? To be honest, try not to sleep with him on the same bed."

I nodded my head. This girl has thought too far. First of all, I won't let Phi Forth come near my body. Not because he's a man. But he's my sister's fiance. Second thing, I guess I have to act shy and all so that he won't touch me as Phi May imagined!

I was still uncomfortable in a female dress. It was a wedding dress to be precise.

"Here." Phi May made me wear the engagement ring of Phi Dream. It was real.

"It's real," I said to Phi May.

"Of course it is. A fake ring would be easily recognised. So Phi Dream left this one. Also, it would have been difficult for her to hide it or keep it safe with her. With you, it's safe. And here. Take this too." Phi May handed me Phi Dream's phone. "She took yours"

"No way!" I shouted. How dare she?

"Yes, way. If your mom or dad calls you after marriage and asks you to hand the phone to Phi Forth what would she do? Whatever is hers is yours now. Even her husband." She said, winking her eyes.

This girl is way eviler than Phi Dream. No wonder they both are friends! I shook my head and decided to face whatever the future holds.





I reached the wedding venue with 'Phi May - the demon'. My heart was beating faster. What if my parents recognise me and what if something happens to Dad? But I was glad that my face was covered with a veil.

Damn! It was difficult to walk in high heels and a long white gown.

The stars were really with me and Phi Dream. No one recognized me or doubted me.

I was really nervous when the Priest started reading the marriage vows. The wedding. It is a special day in everyone's life but in my, Phi Forth and Phi Dream's life, it was something different.

It is the beginning of a new relationship. But this relationship is starting from a lie. I was feeling sorry for lying to Phi Forth.

I was feeling really scared to get caught. All the scenarios were running in my mind where I would get caught and get punched in the face by Phi Forth, disowned by my parents, and whatnot! The words of the Priest got me out of my thoughts.

Phi May told me to look happy. So I smiled and walked the aisle. 

I reminded myself to say I do after the Priest finished the vows and I was shocked when Phi Forth captured my lips. It was just lips touching lips but...

This was my first kiss, unlike my sister who had many boyfriends and one-night stands. I was usually busy studying and was an introvert. Not that I never wanted it but I never found anyone interesting so I never dated anyone and didn't kiss anyone.

How and why did it slip from my mind that there would be a kiss at the wedding?

"Still in a daze, huh?" I was brought back to reality again when one of Phi Forth's female friends patted me on my shoulder. "No wonder you are! Because your husband held 'the best kisser' title back in college." From her expressions and tone, I was sure she did not like this marriage.

"Ahm," Phi Forth fake coughed and started introducing me to his friends, family members, business partners and a few people. I only nodded and bowed down to show respect to the elders. I doubt I would remember them all but I smiled when they smiled at me or teased me and Phi Forth. Phi Dream didn't invite her friends. It was great that she didn't, or else, this wedding hall would have turned into a pub.

I was really glad that my voice resembled my sister's.

I wanted to tell my best friend Pha and Kit the truth but I couldn't. Phana would have killed me and Kit would have ruined the whole wedding. These two are possessive of me more than Kit is to his boyfriend and Pha is to his husband! I told them that I went to Korea and they decided not to go to my sister's wedding. It was a good choice made by them.

Mom and Dad were crying while sending their 'daughter' off and I was crying out of guilt. I had lied and hidden this biggest secret from them. Mom held me tightly and whispered, "Sorry!" I don't know why. Maybe only Phi Dream knew what was going on between the two. Phi Dream and mom always have arguments and she must have apologised to her daughter. "Don't worry mom." was my only reply.

When we sat in the back seat of the car, heading to Phi Forth's house, I was so scared thinking about what if Phi Forth found out about me before one month.

Phi Forth held my hand and patted it. "Everything will be fine." He said. Maybe the worry was evident on my face. He wiped a tear on my face using his free hand.

"Take your sandals off, your legs must be paining. I can see you aren't comfortable in them."

I am amused by how observant Phi Forth is! I felt scared. What will happen if he finds out I'm Beam?

It was awkward to talk to him, so I kept looking outside.

It was more than 5 hours journey by road and I guess I slept.

I was only awake when the car stopped and Phi Forth patted lightly on my cheeks to wake me up. "We're here." He said and rushed out and opened the door for me. A real gentleman!

To my surprise, he carried me in both arms. His left hand was under my back and the right one under my knees.

"Phi Forth.." I was feeling shy at the moment I don't even know why! And my heart started beating abnormally fast.

"It's a ritual made by our family. The Groom carries the Bride inside the house this way." He said as he winked. I was sure my ears turned red because of shyness. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks too.

Phi Forth's teasing smile can turn anyone's ears red. Not my fault!

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