Chapter 11

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Beam's POV

I packed my bag to leave for Korea. It was the 29th day. I had almost forgotten. My tickets were already kept in my cupboard. I took it and placed it in my bag.

I looked at my phone that was with Phi Dream all this while. I had kept her phone at Phi May's salon the other day.

I told mom that I came from Korea suddenly because I missed her a lot but I had to go because I got only one day off. I didn't talk with Mom much and left the house. Dad wasn't home either.

When I was sitting on the plane, I took out my phone. I opened the messaging app to see Phi Forth's messages. It was the only memory of him with me now. But when I opened the chat app, I realised that this was my phone. Phi Forth had sent messages to Phi Dream's phone that was with her now.

Tears escaped my eyes. Why is this happening to me?

I wiped my tears and saw messages sent to me by Pha and Kit. I decided to call them after landing.

After landing I was picked up by a person from the Wayer company who escorted me to a dorm where I would live for a month.

My two roommates, Mean and Plan, were already in the dorm when I arrived. They both are Thai-Korean.

Mean is really Mean and cold and Plan is totally the opposite. Plan is so talkative and bubbly. It's so funny when Plan talks and Mean rolls his eyes but it doesn't affect Plan at all.

I hope this new life would make me forget Phi Forth.





I had called Pha and Kit and heard a lecture for two hours straight. Phana and Ming are my only best friends. They know all about me and I too. But this whole month which changed my life upside down was unknown to them. They were thinking that I was in Korea. Ming was our junior from Enginnering faculty. He chased Kit like crazy. He even won Moon title to woo Kit. Kit finally gave in and they were in a relationship. For Phana or Pha, his love story was epic. He had a crush on our junior Wayo, we call him Yo. Phana proposed Wayo and Wayo said 'yes' as he was too in love with him. After only two months of their relationship, their parents who were friends knew about it and told them to get married. Wayo was only in his first year that time. Phana and Wayo had to convince his parents with us to delay the wedding. When Wayo finished his graduation, their parents got them married. Phana is still an intern while Wayo is graduated and working in his father's company.

After the nagging by Kit, I got to know more about the couples. Apparently, Ming has graduated and has proposed to Kit to marry and now they have the blessings of their parents for their relationship. So, now Kit was happy and wanted to share it with me. And Phana and Wayo bought their own apartment after their marriage and are living there together.

Cute Wayo was very happy to see me after almost a month over the video call and he had tears of joy in his eyes to see me. Ming, as jolly and tease as he is, told that they had their 'first time' long back and now his Phi Kit can't resist himself having a piece of his younger boyfriend. Ming is such a tease. Kit was all red and hitting Ming when he said this. Ming had ended the call because of his violent boyfriend. Phana and Wayo cut the call after saying goodbyes and a promise that I will keep them updated about my life.








The next morning I got a call from Mom.

"Beam, can you please come? Dream had an accident and is hospitalized now. I know you just went yesterday, but I don't know what to do." Mom said. She was crying.

"I will try mom," I said to her.

I was worried about how to ask Joss to take a leave on the first day of the internship. I got ready to meet Joss but then I got a call from Phi May.

"Beam, do not come here. Dream is fine now. She had a small accident and had a few scratches. She took this opportunity to fake her accident. She is acting to have amnesia. I hope her plan to fake her amnesia works on Phi Forth and his family. She didn't want to risk it so she made this plan. We have told your mom that she's well and you don't need to come here. I will give the phone to aunty." Dream explained Dream's plan to me. I sighed in disbelief. How many lies is she going to tell?

After 2 minutes I heard mom's voice from Phi May's phone. "Beamie, Dream is good now. She is conscious now. The doctor says she has amnesia. And it is curable. She will be fine after some days. Don't come here, baby. Don't worry, we all are fine. Please take care of yourself."

"You too. Take care, mom," I said and sighed. Phi Dream! She has been planning so much. She is lying more and more to cover her lies.






"Beam, tell him to talk to me. I want to know who ate my chocolates kept in the fridge?" Plan came nagging about Mean and was shocked to see his chocolates half eaten, in my hands.

"I... Sorry... I will buy you two more as compensation," I said as I saw pout on Plan's face.

From behind came Mean with his arms crossed and glare fixed at Plan. He came in my room and picked Plan like a sack of rice. I could only hear Plan's pleas to me to help him from Mean. I heard Plan's 'Not today, please.' and after that there was no sound coming from their room.

I know that something is going on between them. I had seen dark hickeys on Plan's neck and then and Mean's bare back with scratches when he walked in the apartment shamelessly.

Would people in the house also have noticed the hickeys Phi Forth had given me? I traced my neck with my finger where there was a very faint hickey given to me by Phi Forth. It were only two days after I left home but the time seems like months. It was difficult for me to sleep alone at night. It was only a few days before Phi Forth was cuddling me to sleep but I had already forgotten how I had slept alone before meeting him. I must get used to this new life.


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