Chapter 12

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(A/N: A very short chapter from Forth's POV)

Forth's POV

Life with Dream is just like her name. A dream. I never thought I would like her at all.

To be honest, I am bisexual. I was attracted to her brother Beam when I saw him first before our engagement. I had asked his dad if Beam was interested in men since I was interested in him, but his dad said Beam wasn't gay and still studying.

Dream and Beam looked similar like they are identical twins but Beam is younger than Dream. I didn't mind getting married to any one of them as it was just an arranged marriage. I never got a chance to meet or interact with Beam even before or after our marriage.

Dream was like a typical annoying rich girl at first, always showing off her branded things. I didn't know if I would get along with her for a longer time. I thought this marriage was based more on a business deal and it would result in divorce sooner or later.

But things changed after the wedding for good. She was like a light in the house, always making it happier and cheerful.

The things I liked about her were the way she speaks and takes care of others. The way she behaves with all the people in the house. I never talk much with others but she became friends with all the house help. She became Mae and Phi Day's daughter, Por's chess partner. She even planned Phi Day's birthday. We had always wished and given gifts on Phi Day's birthday but never thought of celebrating it.

The way she always took time to train Lucy, sometimes taking her to walk outside and sometimes letting her sleep on her lap. She became Lucy's mother. Sometimes when we were alone in Lucy's room, Dream would call me Lucy's Papa and herself as Lucy's Mumma. It always gave me a warmth in my heart. I wanted to be the real parent of our children.

But she always used to get stiffened if I wanted to go ahead in our intimate moments. Maybe she wanted to take things slowly. I would always wait for her to open up to me and become one.

What amazes me is the way her emotions are displayed on her face. Her face is very easy to read. Her lips look kissable every time, especially when she pouts while thinking. And the way her face becomes crimson when she gets shy is beyond cute and sexy. Her skin is so soft and her scent is soothing. When she laughs her eyelids turn crescent.

From the day we went to our honeymoon, I noticed that she can't tolerate cold and starts shivering, so I took advantage of her weakness. I would always keep the AC on low so she can find warmth of my body. She likes sleeping with her back resting on my chest and I like the setting. I like sleeping with me spooning her everyday. She's my bolster. I can't sleep without spooning her at night.

And without her, I can't even imagine what could have happened to my Por. She not only took care of Por at the hospital but also of the visitors whom she didn't even know. She didn't care about her own appetite while taking care of others. She also paid the bill at the time of discharge. If there was another person in her place they would have thought before spending the amount for hospital charges. But she did it without hesitation. She truly embraced my family as hers. Even the household staff looks more cheerful and happy because of her.

The trees and grass in our estate looks greener than before she had arrived, the food started to become tastier than before. It seems as if every single thing she laid her eyes on has turned to more beautiful version of itself.

She cares for people and put their happiness before hers. She even went on a date with me when she was tired. She was no longer interested in shopping and expensive things after our marriage.

She was more interested in studying than focusing on her career as a model. I wasn't against her being a model, but I had always wished that my partner should be helping me with the business. My Dream is not only intelligent but beautiful too. She even started learning about business from Por.

When she caught a cold after jumping in the waterfall, I took a mental note of not taking her into cold water or in the rain because she catches cold easily. She is mentally strong but physically - very weak.

It was only one day that she wasn't talking and laughing in the house and the home suddenly became serious and silent. Por, Mae, Phi Day and all the staff wanted her to get better.

I was so scared when she didn't wake up after taking medicine. I thanked God when the doctor told me that it was the effect of medicine.

And here is she. Lying lifelessly on the hospital bed. Mae said that she went to meet her friend yesterday in the late afternoon but didn't return till night. She informed Mae that her friend had a problem and she would return late. And now we got a call from her parents that she was hospitalised after her accident.

I placed my hand on her hair. I caressed her face lightly. The doctor had told us that she might have amnesia because of her head injury. I hope she remembers me.

"Who... Are... You?" She asked me when she woke up.  And I felt the world falling apart like a castle of cards.


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