Chapter 23

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3rd Person POV

'Are you free after 6 in the evening?' Beam sent a message to Forth in the afternoon with shaky hands after a lot of thinking.

When Forth received the message from Beam he immediately checked his schedule. He had a meeting with his employees at 5:30 in the evening but he could postpone it. So, he postponed it. Forth's employees were all happy when they got one more day for the preparation of the meeting.

'Yes.' Forth typed the reply. 'Do you want to meet me?'

'My friends want to meet you.'

'Sure. The place and time?'

'I'll text you in a moment.'





Forth was sitting in front of Beam's friends and their boyfriends and Beam beside him. No one talked after the introduction. Phana, Wayo and Ming knew how big the Jathurapoom name was. Ming even wanted to work under him. Forth was his idol from his college.

"So you were really that stupid not to recognize the difference between a man and a woman?" Kit opened the conversation. No one except the little guy who asked that question laughed.

All of them were aware of the things that happened between Forth, Beam and Dream.

Forth looked seriously at Kit and laughed too. "No, I didn't. Your friend was too good at hiding things," Forth said and Beam looked at Forth.

"Do you love him?" Phana asked liked a protective parent. He was still insecure to ask this question to a influential man like Forth. Forth could bring Phana's parent's bubsiness down with just a flick of his finger.

"Of course!" Forth answered honestly assuring Phana. But Kit wasn't satisfied.

"What if he leaves you one day?" Kit asked. Ming looked at his boyfriend in disbelief. Kit's parents had asked the same question to Ming when Ming asked Kit's family for their blessings. He lookws amused as his kitten is using his parents weapons against Forth to protect his best friend.

"I will love him enough that he won't even think of it." Forth answered.

"What if you lose your name because of your coming out and marrying a man?"

"As long as Beam wants my name I would never care if it's high or low in anyone's eyes."

Kit interviewed Forth more and passed it. Pha and Yo were just happy for Beam. And Wayo took this opportunity to declare the happiest news.

"Now that my best friend Ming and Phi Pha's best friend Phi Beam and Kit are here, I want to announce that...

I and Phi Pha are going to be parents. We are going to adopt a boy named Siafah."

"Oh my god! Congratulations Pha, Yo." Beam and Kit wished in unison. Beam was the first one to hug Yo and kit hugged Pha. After Beam, Ming hugged Wayo and Forth shook hands with Phana and Wayo.

"When are you bringing him home?" Beam asked with excitement.

"In the next week. And we will need you to decorate the house." Phana warned Beam with a finger. "And... Mr Forth, will you allow Beam?" He asked Forth with hesitation. What if Forth doesn't allow Beam?

"No need of the Formalities. You can call me Forth or Phi Forth. And about my permission? Beam is free to do whatever makes him happy. But I guess I'm not invited!" Forth faked sadness and that made Phana worried.

A beginning with a lie ☑️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora