Chapter 1- To Continue a Lineage

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--Giovanni POV–

Equality is just a concept that humanity created with the hope of it becoming true one day, but I, as well as many other people, I'm sure, are aware that it doesn't exist.

I'm one of the few people that have been born with the privilege where I don't need to worry about equality, because the world worked in my favour. I'm a smart and rich man that got what he wanted, and I'm aware that I'm spoiled, but while I'm grateful for everything I have, I'll never go out of my way to put effort into changing the world. Why would I want to change a world that worked for me? And why would I want to help people I didn't even know?

I'm not a perfect human being, I don't believe anyone is. I'm a mere mortal just like everyone else, and like it does to everyone, death will eventually come to me too, and whatever happens after that is something out of my control, something I couldn't care less about right now or anytime in the future.

My parents were different though, they were what society deemed as good people. They helped the poor, and even though we owned a multi-billion-dollar global conglomerate, most of the revenue earned was donated to charities across the world, and since that was something that my father decided when he was still the chairman, I didn't speak against it or change it when I took over his position.

"What did you say your name was?" I asked.

"Anara Fontes, and you?" She answered before throwing the same question back at me.

"Giovanni Romano," I curtly replied, looking her up and down as she smiled a small smile at me while doing the same to me. She was a pretty lady, dark-skinned, tall, and dressed well, so she ticked the attraction box.

"And your age?" I asked.

"30," And she's the same age as me.

I was currently on a blind date that my mother was ever so nice to have arranged for me. Having hit 30, I've come to realise that I didn't want to be the last Romano, and I didn't want to put the stress of continuing our family's lineage onto my little sister, so I took it upon myself to find a bride, but it was easier said than done.

I've been on multiple different arranged dates, and while all the women were beautiful, and nice ladies, I couldn't see myself creating a life with them, there was always something that caused me to turn away.

I loved my surname, and spoke my name with pride. My ancestors worked hard to make the Romano name as influential as it has become, and I wanted to continue the family line. 

Growing up, I saw the amount of effort my father put into the company, and I wanted to do the same, I wanted to do better than him, and I'd say that I have. The company has seen a spike in sale records since I became the Chairman 5 years ago, and I wanted to keep it going. 

But I didn't want to go far only to have no one to hand the business over to, and that was how I decided it was time for marriage. But, once again, that was easier said than done.

"What do you do when you're not working?" It was her turn to ask me.

"I exercise, or read." I curtly answered. Exercising is important in order to keep fit, I refuse to become unfit, it'll only hold me back from doing my best, and reading is important to increase one's knowledge, they were useful habits.

"That's it? Haven't you got any other hobbies?" She raised a brow as she asked.

"I don't have time for hobbies. Are you aware of how much time and effort is required in maintaining a business as big and successful as Romano corporation?" I scoffed, only being able to hope that she wasn't being serious.

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