Chapter 10- A Bodyguard & Her Boss

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--Aurora POV--

"Why are you standing so far away?" He asked from his desk, not having to turn his head to look at me to know that the distance between us was quite large, to put it simply.

"I'm stood at a respectable distance," I explained.

"If anything happens, you won't be able to protect me if you're stood that far away," He stated, going to type something onto the computer as I glared at him. He very well knows that I'm purposefully keeping my distance from him for a specific reason which isn't hard to guess, but he was turning a blind eye.

This man; He's so frustrating.

"You only have yourself to blame if something goes wrong," I sassily stated, crossing my arms as I went back to looking out the widow to the sight of the city which I'll never be able to get bored of no matter how much time passed.

"Why do you say that?" He feigned innocence, the sound of his fingers typing away on the keyboard resonating through the room as I cursed him in my head.

"You know why. I'm not going to let what happened yesterday, happen today," And I'm serious when I say that. I'm going to take this job seriously, and once this month is over, I'm going to move onto my next client, and forget about this addictive man.

"I don't remember anything happening yesterday. Someone ran out the door as if she were on fire before anything could even happen," I scoffed, fanning myself to keep the embarrassed blush from surfacing along with those memories that shouldn't be replaying themselves in my head as much as they were.

"I'm your bodyguard, and you're my boss. That's the extent of our relationship," I said.

"I never said otherwise," Having a conversation with this man was like talking to a wall. 

He had no reaction, and spoke with no emotion, and then there was me that kept getting flustered by everything he said and did, and that's something I wasn't used to. I'm not sure how to feel about it.

"Your actions would beg to differ," I muttered under my breath with an added eyeroll.

"If I recall correctly, you touched me first."

"Why would I touch you first?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Covering my eyes, and standing as close to me as you did. You know I'm attracted to you, and you took advantage of that, I simply went along with it. Don't tell me you didn't like it; I felt your pulse getting ready to jump out of your body," This time, fanning my face to keep the blush away wasn't enough.

And, as he'd been wanting, I felt my face light up with the brightest blush as that specific memory wafted through my mind. His stubble tickling my neck as he brushed his lips over my collarbones in a teasing way to test my patience.

If I hadn't caught sight of the time which told me my shift was over, then we both knew that I would have given into him, and if that happened, who knows how the night would have progressed? But one thing's for sure, if I didn't leave when I did, I would be far too embarrassed to show up to work today, and my bodyguarding job would have ended after a single day.

And both my father, and Giovanni Romano, would have loved that.

"Don't be ridiculous!" I whisper-shouted, my frustration with him only rising as the seconds ticked by. Maybe I shouldn't have shown up to work today? I'm supposed to be protecting him from danger, but if he kept talking then I would end up becoming the biggest danger to him.

"Am I wrong though?" I jumped, surprised when he got out of his seat, turning to look at me as his eyes locked me in place, and he began walking towards me in a predatory manner.

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