Chapter 24- I Hate You

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--Aurora POV--

Curious gazes shifted towards us, but I didn't bother to look at them for my eyes were solely focused on him, only him. If there is one thing that I'm good at, it's recognising a man in love, and while he may not have completely fallen yet, I'm not blind to the fact that he is on the verge of falling, something he himself didn't even realise, and if he did, he refused to believe it.

Men and their pride, honestly.

"I hate you," I echoed again for the umpteenth time, engraving it in his mind as I glared up at him, angry, but more than him, I was angrier at myself, wondering what the hell it is that I was so attracted to about him.

He looked confused, baffled, an expression I thought I'd never see on his face. With every time I repeated the same three words, the more confused he grew because he must have known that while I spoke these words, the opposite could be heard.


"I hate you," I said, not knowing what else to say at this point, and needing him to see my contempt. I was angry, beyond angry. Why was he so hard-headed? Why couldn't he be more open about his feelings? Why couldn't I have played this game with someone whose personality matches mine? Why did it have to be him? Of all the people on this planet, why him?

"Aurora... You-"

"I said I hate you!" I almost shouted, taking one step closer as I glared up at him, his breath hitting my face in irregular beats, seeming like he was holding himself back from something. But the glare which sat on my face threatened to dissipate when he took a step closer, snaking an arm around my waist before pulling me up against his chest.

"I know... I heard you the first hundred times," His face leaned down, lips brushing over my features, nose bumping against mine while my eyes fought to stay open, fluttering themselves open and close before slowly trailing down to his lips which couldn't have looked more kissable.

Moments like this, I didn't know whether to love or hate them. It felt like it was out of movie, a swoon worthy story, but the conflicted thoughts in my mind that told me to stay away somehow managed to ruin it, like a reality check I didn't ask for.

I wanted him, I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to do so much more than that.

But I refuse to fall prey to his seduction. I'll untangle myself from him if it's the last thing I do because falling for a man that couldn't even think to love me back will end in nothing but pain. It's a pain, possibly the only kind, that papa won't be able to save me from.

"I know, Aurora... You hate me." His voice was deep, strained, but as beautiful as it sounded, it was like a chiming bell, bringing me back to reality.

I pushed against his chest, working to compose myself as I stood up straight, looking up at him with a determined face, brushing away the stumble that I had accidentally just shown him.

"I'm leaving," I stated.

"You're leaving?"

"Your side, to be specific. I won't let myself be left alone with you from this moment on, it's safer that way, for me more than you due to the obvious reasons that you've already so kindly stated," I said, brushing my fringe out as I spoke, trying my best to seem uninterested.


I loved the way my name sounded on his lips, and yes, it didn't help with the fact that he was the one that gave mama the idea of my name, it only made me hate him that much more, but nonetheless, the way he said my name almost made it feel like I was made for him. 

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