Chapter 9- Two Different People

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--Giovanni POV--

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard myself ask before I could even process what I was thinking. I came to Germany to get her to marry me, not get her to work for me.

"And what the hell are you wearing?" I asked, my eyes scanning her up and down, unfamiliar with the sight of her in such tight-fitted clothes, it went against her usual, pastel aesthetic. How could a woman go from looking like a princess to whatever this was? Don't get me wrong, she looked sexy. But that's not the point.

"Is it too casual? They only said black, so I thought something like this would be sufficient," She looked down at her outfit as she spoke with confusion. Who is they?

"The outfit is not the problem," I sighed, putting my pen down as I massaged my temples, eyes unmoving from her as she looked at me with those curious ones of her own.

"Then what's the problem?" She asked.

"That you're standing here as what? My bodyguard?"

"Yes, how is that a problem? I rightfully got this job through an interview process, and showed my defensive and offensive skills in training before I was picked specifically to guard you over the next month. If you think I used my family name to get the job then you're severely mistaken," Hands on her waist, she glared at me, clearly offended.

"I'm not questioning your morals," I grumbled, not needing to hear her say it to know what was the truth and what isn't. She had nothing to gain by lying anyway, I believed she rightfully got this job from the moment I learnt she was my bodyguard, but that's the problem.

I didn't want her to be my bodyguard, I wanted her to be my wife.

"Then what are you questioning?" I couldn't help but sigh, running my hands through my hair as I leaned back on my chair to get a better view of her. How am I supposed to tell her that I wanted to call her my wife rather than bodyguard?

"I don't need you to be my bodyguard." Honestly, I didn't even want a bodyguard, but my mother is a worrier, and stated that if I were to leave home for a month then I need constant protection. I doubt this is planned by her.

"Why? Because I'm a woman?"

"Because you're my sister's friend, and I know you personally. It'll only get in the way of my work, and, not to mention, you're the daughter of my rival. How do I know you've not been sent here to spy on me?" She raised a brow in disbelief. Understandable, I was speaking out of my ass right now after all.

"You can't be serious?" I wasn't.

"Never been more serious," I leaned forward again, interlocking my hands as I looked at her.

"You know I understand nothing about business, I dropped out of the course in Uni because I couldn't concentrate in any of the lessons. Why then, would you think that I would go through so much effort to steal your work?" She scoffed.

"You tell me,"

"Don't play smart with me. What's the real reason why you're so against me protecting you?" Because if something were to ever happen, I don't want her to be the one to protect me.

"If you get hurt protecting me, your father won't be pleased. It could strain the relationship between our two families," I said as she sighed.

"I'm a bodyguard with over 10 years of experience in martial arts, I'm fully capable of looking after myself, and you, at the very least... It's just for a month, and I won't be doing it alone. If I'm correct, there'll be others assigned to you at different shifts too," I hummed, confirming her words.

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