Chapter 35- Gossiping Eyes

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--Aurora POV--

"I think you've got some explaining to do, princess." I stopped dead in my tracks when the familiar voice of my father called out, spinning around, and wiping away the smile that had been on my face a second ago.

"Papa, what are you doing here?" I quickly asked, peeking through the side window just in time to see the car Gio was in driving away.

"Has there ever been a day where I haven't waited for you?" No. No, there hasn't. And that's a fact I used to always be so appreciative towards, but now that it wasn't working in my favour anymore, I'm starting to question it.

"You've been going out a lot more recently, and you're either staying out all night or coming home at the crack of dawn. This can't be because of a man, can it?" He asked, raising a brow as I released a dramatic, long sigh.

"I've been messaging mama so that you both won't worry,"

"As a parent, I'm going to worry no matter what. Especially when I don't know where you are... Have you secretly become a drug lord or something?" I rolled my eyes at that. I'm sure he'd prefer that over what the reality is.

"Where's mama?" I changed the subject.

"Helping the workers prepare for the party tomorrow. Don't go changing the subject now; who was in that car, princess?" I stared at him long and hard, deciding that the truth was bound to come out eventually.

"My lover."

"Your what?"

"My lover." I repeated.

"Don't be silly, you don't have a lover. Just a week ago you were telling me that you gave up on men, and now you've got a lover all of a sudden? Be honest with me, you've become a drug lord, haven't you?"

"Do I look like a druggie, papa?" I grumbled.

"Not one bit, and that's only making me more suspicious,"

"I don't even smoke, and I barely drink alcohol because you've always made sure to tell me how unhealthy it is every time I see a bottle. Why then, do you believe I'd do drugs?" Putting a hand on my waist, I gave him a deadpanned look.

"Okay, okay, so, you're not a drug lord. Then who was in that car?"

"My lover," He didn't believe me.

"And who, might I ask, is the lover?"

"A good man. Or rather, someone on his way to becoming a good man," It was his turn to give me a deadpanned look as I smiled at him, going to kiss his cheek in a late greeting.

"I want a name."

"I'll give you a face. Tomorrow at your anniversary party," I grinned.

"You're bringing him to the party?" He had an unamused, dissatisfied frown on his face, but that wasn't surprising considering his protective father-ness has seen worse days.

"Of course, he's my lover," I grinned widely in answer as his frown deepened. "Also, you invited him, so he was going to come whether he's my lover or not," I gave a small hint, but it didn't make his task any easier seeing as most of the world was invited to the party.

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