Chapter 13- Let the Game Begin

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--Giovanni POV--

"How's it going there?"

"I hate it. It's freezing during the day, and even more at night. People are unusually nice, I can't understand why they're smiling all day, what are they smiling about? And I almost got assassinated for the most doltish reason last week," A string of annoyed curses left my mouth as I continued to complain to my father who patiently listened from the other end of the phone, no doubt, with an amused grin on his face.

"Well, I don't remember ever forcing you to go there."

"I never said you did," I scoffed.

"And even though you've gone, a whole month is a bit much, is it not?" He chuckled.

"Do you want a perfect daughter-in-law or what?" I rolled my eyes as I spoke. Honestly, it's a mystery who I got my personality from, because it definitely can't be from either of my parents.

"I just want someone who makes you happy,"

"That's a request that I won't be able to fulfil," I bluntly stated.

"You never know, especially if it's Aurora Vandenburg. That girl is a ray of sunshine, her happiness might be able to rub off on you," Is it not enough that I came all the way to Germany for her? The amount of work that I'll have piled up when I return to Italy is scary to imagine, but it'll be worth it if I succeed in getting her to agree to marry me.

"Be logical, father," I grumbled.

"Call me papa," He ordered to which I didn't, and haven't, for the longest time, listened to.

"I'm going to hang up," I threatened as he cussed under his breath.

"Who in the bloody world did you get that humourless personality from? I can't figure it out no matter how hard I think about it," We were getting off topic here, not that there was a topic to begin with.

"How's mama, are you looking after her?" I changed the subject.

"Of course, I am. You don't even need to ask about that, she's as lively as ever, that woman," He laughed as he spoke while I hummed in response. "Make sure you dress nicely for your date, and remember, it's a date, not a meeting," He added as I groaned.

"There's no need to tell me something that's already evidently clear,"

"I can't wait for you both to get together, I'll enjoy teasing Lucian for the rest of our lives, I knew you two would end up together since you were children, but that man wasn't having it, and-"

"-I've heard this story more than enough times, father. I'm going to hang up now," He scoffed, but didn't say anything as I bid him farewell before hanging up, and I was finally able to let my ears rest from his constant nagging.

Putting my phone away, I carried on with the work at hand, signing off the last of the documents before ending the workday, and returning to an empty home where I exercised for a bit, did a quick shower, and got dressed into the outfit that I would be wearing to my date.

And leaving the mansion, the car was already waiting for me as I got into the vehicle without a word, strapping myself in as I pulled my phone out, scrolling through my unread e-mails as I waited to arrive at the restaurant.

Once I arrived at the said restaurant, the waitress didn't need to ask for my name as she already recognised me, and without a single word, she guided me to where I needed to be.

And it was me, this time, that needed to take a moment to regain my composure as I caught sight of the familiar woman, whom I hated to admit, has been refusing to leave my mind.

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