Chapter 28- A Family Movie

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--Giovanni POV--

People long for the things they can't have; Mother used to believe that until father fell in love with her because he was the thing that she believed she could never have. It worked out for her, and now she's possibly one of the happiest women alive, and I hoped my story could end happily like hers. 

But it's not up to me. It's up to her, Aurora.

She narrowed her eyes at me after having heard what I just said, peeking her head outside the door to look around the area as if expecting something to jump out at her.

"What are you doing?" I found myself asking.

"Looking for the cameras in case this is all a joke. I don't want to embarrass myself," She spoke, turning back to look at me once she confirmed that there were, in fact, no cameras present in the area.

"Nothing I said was a lie. If anything, it's the most truthful thing I've ever said," I stated, not the least bit offended nor surprised by her unexpected reaction to my confession.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded.

"You expect me to believe everything you've just said after everything you did just a few days ago at the club? Did you go through some sort of life and death situation that's suddenly caused you to change personality like this? You can tell the truth, I doubt it'll be more surprising than this personality," She gestured to me as she spoke.

"I told you. I was asked three questions, and those questions made me realise the truth," I sighed, trying not to sound too grumpy as she often said I did.

"And what were those questions?" It was almost embarrassing to have to say.

"What does Aurora love? What does she hate? And what do I think of when I hear her name?" And it was almost certainly embarrassing when I saw her reaction as she scoffed out a laugh.

"Is this another method of trying to woo me? Because I assure you, it's not working,"

"It's not," I said.

"How do you expect me to believe you?"

"How can I make you believe me?" I shot back.

"I'm not sure, I'll have to think about it some more," She put a hand to her chin, apparently thinking about it now as I continued to stand there with my hands in my pockets, trying not to shiver due to the cold evening wind whipping by.

"Okay, whatever. I can't think of a solution, but for now, I'll let you off,"

"Am I in trouble that you're letting me off?" I raised a brow.

"Well, you're not in the clear either, are you?" She wasn't wrong, but I refused to say anything aloud. She's already got the upper hand, I refuse to become a ball of jelly in her hands, granting her every wish, and following her around like some lost puppy. She had me wrapped around her finger, and I already know that I would give anything up for her, but she didn't. And that seemed to be the problem.

"We'll give it time,"

"How much time?"

"As much as I want," She stated.

"Alright, but know that I'll be waiting for you," She blinked, surprised all of a sudden while I patiently waited for her to explain why. What did I do this time?

"You-You... Are you sure you're alright?" She randomly asked.

"Quite certain,"

"I heard people often drastically change personality just before death, are you... you couldn't be... have you been diagnosed with-"

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