Chapter 2- The Gifted Ones

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--Aurora POV--

"That's enough for today, good job everyone," I applauded as I helped the lady I had been competing with up off the ground before fixing the black belt around my waist.

"Good job," She patted my back as I proudly grinned.

My parents made me learn several different sports as I grew up to help defend myself in cases of any unfortunate events. Those sports included, boxing, jiu jitsu, and the sport I still regularly practiced up to this day, Karate. I didn't mind it, in fact, as an adventurous child that could never sit still, I loved it, and thanked my parents for it.

"Good job today, Aurora." My sensei patted my shoulder as he spoke while the rest of my classmates took their time to leave the room.

"Thank you. Although, we both know I could have done better," He chuckled, nodding as I went to pick my water bottle up. I started karate at the age of eight, and I still practice it to this day, and even after I got my black belt a few years ago, it was a sport that I loved too much to stop doing it. While I don't do it as much as I used to, and haven't taken part in any proper competitions, I'm available for it at least once a week.

"If you're aware that you require improvement, then you're already one step ahead of where you were yesterday," I rolled my eyes at that, he never once missed an opportunity to speak some wise, philosophical words to me.

"What do you plan to do with your life Aurora?" He eventually asked out of nowhere, but I can't say I'm surprised. Ever since I told him that I had no idea on what to do with my life a few weeks ago, he made it his mission to ask me the same question whenever he saw me.

"I'm not sure. I've never been much of a planner, you know that. I simply live life appreciating what I have, and finding enjoyment from my hobbies," I half-heartedly answered.

"Do you plan to live the rest of your life like that?" He came to sit on the mat beside me as I thought about his words, shrugging my shoulders in reply.

"I don't see anything wrong with that," I'm one of the few gifted people that were born in this world. I had everything that I never knew I wanted, from a loving family to more wealth than there were stars in the sky, and, I was, apparently, quite pretty too. But I appreciated everything I had, and because I was grateful, I tried to give just as much to the underprivileged people.

I owned a small flower shop that my dad helped me create, and I made sure that 100% of the earnings were all donated to charities. But simply charity wasn't enough. As an adventurous woman, I travelled the world at whatever chance I had to visit the less fortunate people, and worked with organisations to give people food, shelter, and clothes, it was a fulfilling act that always did well to remind me of just how gifted I was.

"But... Maybe I should try doing something different?" I leaned back as I lost myself in my thoughts. "I mean, all I do is live a spoiled life. I sell flowers as a hobby, do some karate at one point in the week, hang out with my friends, and pull pranks on family members," My sensei couldn't help but laugh at me once he heard my words.

Glaring at him, I stood up, re-tying my hair as I caught sight of a specific poster that hung on the walls, and just like that, an idea sparked to life.

"I learnt Karate as self-defence, but if I can put these skills to use for someone other than myself then that would be even better, right?" He followed my line of sight and sighed at the sight of the poster, knowing what it was that I was insinuating.

"You really are a modern-day Disney princess," He chuckled to himself as he stood up, brushing his clothes down as I simply stared at him, not knowing if I should take his words as a compliment.

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