Chapter 20- To Woo a Man

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--Aurora POV--

He thought he had me wrapped around his finger, but he's got another thing coming for him if he truly believes that I'll just give into him like that without putting up a fight. 

By the end of this year, if he's not fallen in love with me then I can guarantee that I'll have him running for the hills, one way or another, I'm going to win.

"Go on a date with me!"

He stood there, looking me dead in the eye, dressed in nothing but sweatpants with a towel hung loosely around his neck, his hair hanging in black ringlets around his sharp face to show that he had just come out of the shower.

"What?" He gruffly asked, looking as though he was wondering if he were dreaming right now or not, which I can't really blame him for, but the offence was still present.

"I said; Go on a date with me." I repeated, trying my best not to ogle his naked chest. I was telling him about how much restraint I have, and now is the time to prove that by keeping my eyes focused on his face, and only his face; Not that it made it any easier when he looked like Adonis, for goodness' sake.

"I heard the first time... I'm simply trying to figure out why?" His voice was deep, laced with sleep. Did I set my plan into motion a few hours too early?

"What do you mean by why?" I questioned back.

"As simple as it is. Why should I take you on a date?" He raised his brow as he usually did when amused by me, but I'd gotten used to it by now to get bothered by it.

"Who said anything about you taking me on a date? I said 'go on a date with me' not 'take me out'. Don't go jumping to conclusions, Gio. How do you know I'm not asking to take you on a date, huh?" I smirked, crossing my arms to show my satisfaction as he rolled his eyes, not looking surprised by my antics anymore as he simply moved to brush his hair out of his face, swooping it over his head so those grey eyes could meet mine.

"Then tell me why you suddenly want to take me out on a date at eight o'clock in the morning on a Saturday?" He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms as he curiously asked.

I gulped, blowing my fringe out of my face, trying my best not to get intimidated by his domineering presence, and I believe I did it well as I casually spoke. Maybe eight o'clock was a bit too early? But he didn't need to know that I stayed up all night, scheming on ways to make him regret treating me like that a few days ago at my birthday.

"A month has already passed since this game of ours started, and you've not gotten anywhere in making me fall in love with you yet-"

"Are you sure about that?" His question took me off guard as I found myself stumbling over my words, pausing to glare at him with my jaw hanging agape.

"Yes, I am," I confirmed, quickly composing myself as he hummed, clearly not believing me, but gestured with his head for me to continue speaking, and with a frustrated sigh, I did just that.

"...I can't help but pity you, so, being the nice person that I am, I've decided to help you out a bit. So, once again, I'm asking you... Go on a date with me, Gio," I went from claiming those words to politely asking, and that would be a good thing if it were aimed at anyone other than Giovanni.

This is an arrogant man that always got what he wanted. I thought I was spoiled, and yes, maybe I am? But compared to this man, oh lord, I was a saint. He got whatever it was that he wanted, and he saw me as one of those many things, something that I refused to accept so easily.

If he wanted me, then I'd make him earn my favour. He's spoiled, but if he truly wants to call me his wife one day then he'll have to stop expecting it all to go his way so easily, he'll have to work for it, something he's not used to.

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