Chapter 22- A Lucky Man

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--Aurora POV--

"Oh, look. It's Nemo,"

"That's called a clownfish,"

"And look at that floating triangle,"

"It's an angelfish,"

"My god, have you got no imagination?" I grumbled, turning away from the large glass dome where all the sea creatures were swimming around to take a good look at the stoic man that stood beside me, one hand tucked into his pants pocket while the other held onto the large stuffed toy that I won for him.

"I can ask you the same thing, have you got no eyes?" He gruffly shot back as if on command, he was getting too used to this.

"This isn't about me, it's about you," I pointed to his chest as he rolled his eyes.

"What do they teach you at school in this country?" He curiously mumbled under his breath before going to follow the road to see the other sea creatures as I began walking alongside him, trying my best not to take offense to everything he said, which is proving to be quite difficult, if I do say so myself.

"Well, not much about fish species. Not that I know of," I mumbled my response as he hummed his amusement, pausing in his steps as an unfamiliar old lady stopped us both in our tracks, a large grin on her face as if she knew who we were.

"I've just been looking at you both for the last minute, and might I mention how adorable of a couple you are," She gleamed. 

I came to a halt beside Gio, covering my mouth as I masked my entertained laugh as a cough while he simply raised a confused brow at her words.

"Excuse me?" He beat me in asking.

"The way you bicker with each other, you must either be newlyweds or an old couple, reminds me of my late husband, Rodger, we used to be just like you-"

"-Nonna, where do you keep wandering off to? Oh... Hello," First this random old lady approaches us on her false assumptions, and then she tells us about her deceased lover, and now another familiar face pops up out of nowhere.

Maybe coming to the aquarium wasn't much of a promising idea?

"Anara?" Gio asked, confused. "What are you doing here?" He spoke for the both of us. 

Right, that was her name, Anara. She's the woman that was dancing with him at my birthday, the one he worked with to make me jealous.

"Well, my family came to Berlin a few weeks ago, the main reason was for Miss Vandenburg's birthday; It's lovely to meet you, by the way. I apologise for not having greeted you on the day," She quickly shifted to speak to me.

Plastering a polite smile onto my face, I raised a hand to shake which she took.

"Don't mention it, it's lovely to meet your acquaintance," I replied as she grinned. It's true, this woman sparked a certain jealousy in me, but I'm not the kind of person that will act on that. As long as she treats me with respect, I will do the same to her.

"-Anyways, since none of my family have busy schedules for the rest of the month, we've decided to stay to sightsee for the time being, and this lady is my grandmother, I apologise for her; She goes up to every couple she sees and starts telling them about my grandfather," She covered her face, embarrassed, as she spoke.

"I see," Gio spoke, sounding uninterested as I laughed at the grandma.

"Robert sure is a lucky man," I stepped forward to tell her, watching as her eyes lit up with pure joy at my words. Chuckling, she patted my cheek, nodding her head in thanks to my words as I grinned at her.

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