Chapter 25- Like A Diamond

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--Giovanni POV--

"What were you both talking about so heatedly?" Alejandro asked, his eyes following Aurora as she walked passed him and into the lounge, going straight to my sister to hug her in greeting.

"He was being a misogynist, I called him out on it, simple," She replied, leaning back with a smile as she shared a cute, girly laugh with Lilliana.

"Aurora, darling, I thought you would have learnt by now that most men in this world are all misogynist's," Alejandro chuckled as an automatic glare found itself on my face, but not wanting to start any further drama after what just transpired between me and Aurora, that wildflower of a woman, I silently went over to the bar, pouring myself a scotch.

"So, tell me, what have you been up to? How's the florist job treating you?" He changed the subject, going to sit on the couch while I made my way over to the window, peering out to the club where I was standing just a moment ago, dragging Aurora off that stage.

"I'm looking forward to getting back to it, I missed it more than I thought I would in the month that I was bodyguarding, Petra will probably appreciate the extra set of hands to help her out now too, especially as a single mother and all, she must have been exhausted in the last month,"

"Petra? Right, that chatterbox of a friend of yours that never liked me," He chuckled, and somehow, I found myself growing fond of Petra; She's bound to be a good friend for Aurora if she doesn't like the Gonzalez people even after meeting them and, not to mention, their fake, welcoming personalities.

"Name a person that does like you," She rolled her eyes, speaking with an amused laugh. Something I realised that she hasn't done to me for some time. Great, I may or may not have ended up far before square one with all the unthought words I said to her before.

"You," This time it was me that rolled my eyes.

"Other than me," She said, going to sit beside him as Lilliana came to stand beside me, trying to discreetly look at me from the corner of her eyes as I scoffed, picking the glass up to inhale the alcoholic beverage in my hands.

"You're supposed to say no," I found my lips moving before I heard my own words.

"And you're supposed to be making me fall in love with you, so I guess neither of us are doing much of a good job," She shot back as I grumbled under my breath, turning back to look out the window with a fouler mood now that compared to a second ago.

She always had something to say. 

And yes, I did too, but this wasn't about me.

"What were you both arguing about before?" Lilliana asked in a hushed voice, thankfully turning my attention away from the two people behind me.

"We weren't arguing,"

"Then you were getting scolded," I hated the way that sounded so much more than the original statement. I spared her a glare as she gave me a smile that lasted exactly one second before returning to the usual resting face.

"I don't like the sight of her with that man," I ultimately said.

"That man specifically?" Her curious brow raised.

"Yes," I sighed.

"Then, if you were to picture her with some other man, I don't know, let's say that man-" She pointed to a random blonde man that was stood by the bar in the club. "-Not doing anything naughty, just talking and laughing, you would be alright with that?" Am I in some sort of test?

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" I asked, feeling my jaw clench at the image my sister just put in my head, because no, what man in his right mind would like that picture? 

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