Chapter 21

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After a while me and Dylan went back to the party, where it looked as if nothing had changed since we had been elsewhere. Sully was still being flocked by a large group of girls, Ashley still talking business to random people, and everyone else doing whatever it was that they were doing.

“Hmm... It was more fun back there...” Dylan pointed out next to me.

I laughed and coughed “anti-social” in his direction jokingly.

“Yeah, kissing my girlfriend is sooo anti-social,” Dylan smiled.

I just shook my head at his reply. In all honesty, I kind of wished we were still back in the flowery room kissing. Everyone here seemed preoccupied, so they probably wouldn’t even notice

Spencer then came over to us and started talking, “So where have you guys been?”

Before either of us could reply, the big front doors swung open, slowly and grandly.

There in the doorway stood a boy. He looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, maybe nineteen. He had longish, but not too long, red and black hair in a gothic style. His red pants fit him ever so perfectly with a stunning white belt, a loose black jacket layed over his bare, chiseled to perfection chest.

The mystery man’s gorgeous blue eyes shone out like beacons during a cold, rainy storm. There was a red medallion laying across his chest. Everything about him was perfect and enticing. I could feel myself being pulled towards him in an unnatural way; feel myself attracted to him in an unnatural way. But none of that mattered; all that mattered was to get myself up to him.

“Oscar!” a voice bellowed in an angry tone to my right, snapping me out of my daze and into the real world for a minute. Ashley was starring at the man with so much hatred, there weren’t even words to describe it.

“Gawd even that name is sexy!” one of the girls flocking around Sully moaned.

“Audrey!” Dylan was calling my name beside me, tugging on my arm.

I looked over at him questioningly.

“Don’t let the feelings take over you, it’s a spell he has. Just pay attention to me, forget he’s even there!” Dylan stared deep into my eyes like he was casting his own spell on me, which I knew he wasn’t.

I temporarily got lost in his beautiful eyes

I involuntarily shook my head, causing his hands to fall from my cheeks. “I have to go. I love him.”

He looked at me quizzically before I started making my way towards Oscar. The girls that had flocked around Sully now yelled in frustration and tried to get past me, along with many other girls in the room.

A hand grabbed my arm slightly roughly and yanked me back. All I saw was a tuff of black hair before lips came crashing down onto mine.

I immediately knew that it was Dylan. The urgent feel to his kiss made me think back to his previous words. What did they mean? What was he saying about that spell? Dylan tried to deepen the kiss, causing a small spark in my head as if I had remembered something but couldn’t place what it was, but someone knocked into us, hard, and sent me toppling away.

When I got back up, Dylan was nowhere in sight probably knocked down as I was, but Oscar was in my sight. All the previous feelings about him came swarming back, making the want for him irresistible.

There was lots of shouting heard, but I barely even noticed it all. I had to get to Oscar, be with him, and get there before all the other girls did. I swiftly made my way over to him, cutting past swarms of girls. Finally I made my way up to him and stood there gazing at him.

“Come here, you hotties!” Oscar said in his super sexy voice, enticing more girls around him. He grabbed onto me and another girl with one arm and with the other pulled the trigger on a gun he had in his other hand. Smoke burst out of the barrel, flooding the room, causing the visibility to instantly go to zero percent. As the smoke started to clear away and I could see my surroundings, I noticed that me along with about ten other girls were now in a giant house. Oscar’s house.

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