Chapter 10

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Donni shrugged then reached for the door handle. Right before he got to the handle, a nerve racking groan/scream was heard on the other side of the door.

Donni quickly opened the door and the sight my eyes landed on was not what anyone would have enjoyed.    

Jamie was hovering upright, strapped to some kind of evil-looking contraption. The back was metal and the bars going across his ankles and wrists were also metal and looked painfully tight. Wires were attached to him everywhere.

“Jamie?!” Stevie almost yelled out as she saw him.

His fluffy brown mop of a head jerked up, his eyes the size of saucers.

“Stevie!” he called weakly, “Audrey! How did you get here?!”

I was amazed that he was still alive, seeing the condition he was in. It wasn’t a very pretty sight in the slightest...

“Yeah, okay, just ignore me and Cori. We’re here to save you, you know,” Donni shook his head.

“We’ll just go away then, if you don’t wanna be saved,” Corinna joined in with a taunting voice, obviously playing around.

I raised an eyebrow at the two of them. They must really be strange to be joking at a time like this! I thought to myself.

Jamie looked at them, his eyes narrowed. “You guys are so weird. Just get me out of here please! And quickly before that thing-” he nodded towards an electrical box hooked up to the contraption he was on, “-starts up again.”

Donni smiled at him then flicked his hand. The bars around Jamie’s wrists and ankles came flying off and clanked to the floor, Jamie shortly after.

I watched in silent awe at Donni’s awesome superhero move (if that’s what you would call it), still getting used to the whole “magic” thing.

As soon as Jamie struggled back to his feet, the electrical box started making noise and the metal board glowed with blue electricity and made a loud static-like noise.

I was pulled into a hugged from behind quickly after. I looked over my shoulder and saw fuzzy brown hair, each strand sticking in random directions, making me want to laugh.

“You smell...” Jamie stated, his chin still resting on my shoulder, “like mold. Where the hell were you?”

I could imagine him scrunching his nose up as the smell of mold and mildew wafted off me in great big waves. 

He pulled back a little when someone snorted.

“Blame the moldy bread in those shitty cells,” Donni said, “I almost couldn’t bear their stench when I went to save them!”

“It wasn’t that bad!” Stevie sounded offended that he said she stank.

He laughed, “for you it wasn’t.”

Stevie huffed while I smiled.

“I’d suggest we get going, with all this electricity here it’s not safe to stay, and we still have to find the other four,” Corinna said looking around.

As we all walked out of the electrical torture room, I finally got a better glimpse at how bad of a shape Jamie was really in. He looked whiter than a ghost, half of his hair was stuck to his face, some bits of his clothing were torn and ripped, a few scratches and cuts here and there, his eyes looked almost life-less and dull, and he had a bad limp which caused him to have to lean on me to keep from falling over.

Everyone walked back down a hallway in search of the others, me and Jamie trailing slightly behind.

I looked over at him again and saw that he had his color back and his eyes weren’t as dull anymore, but he was looking around as if to find something.

“That room,” he pointed to a door Stevie was about to pass.

“What about it?” Corinna asked coming to a halt.

“One of them is in it, I’m not sure which one, but I know Vander has one of them in it,” Jamie looked at Donni for directions.

He raised an eyebrow at Jamie who nodded.

Donni reached for the door handle but before he got to it,


…I giant feathery beast came crashing out of it and squashed him to smithereens! Haha, just kidding, nothing happened. He grabbed the handle and started to pull the door open.

“WAIT!” Stevie called out then pointed to the door.

Everyone looked at her with an eyebrow raised.


There in the doorway were rows of electrical bars going across from side to side.

“Well, if that’s not cliché, I honestly don’t know what is...” I said starred at the doorway with what was probably a stupefied expression.

Donni stood there with the door open looking at the electrical bars. They were literally bars of electricity shooting across in the air. He sighed then called out “nice try Vander, but we’re not idiots.”

“Oh, it’s a pity, really,” A new low voice said making me jump.

Jamie, who was now standing on his own, snorted beside me.

A spiky blonde haired guy stepped into view, “I thought since you worked for Ashley you’d be a little…well, like him.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Stevie glared daggers at him.

“Well, for starters, he’s only sixteen and the leader of your group. What does that say about the group, I bet he doesn’t make any decisions that are worth it, I bet he doesn’t even make any of the decisions at all. I bet it’s all you,” he looked at Donni like he was bored.

Vander sighed then and looked at Corinna, “you really are stupid aren’t you? Why would you go for an ugly guy that can’t even make the right decisions? When you could have me?”

Corinna grimaced as if he disgusted her and scooted closer to Donni.

Full of yourself much? I thought.

Suddenly the electrical bars were gone.

Vander’s head snapped in the direction of the corner yelling “you f*cking stupid little girl!” and he walked towards the wall.

Donni and Corinna pulled me, Stevie, and Jamie into the room quickly as Vander flipped a switch and the electrical bars came back

“Oh goody! Now I can put you in with them!” Vander said with excitement.

I could see beyond him, in blue glowing electric bars, Piper was standing glaring at Vander. If she had a knife, she’d probably throw it at him. That’s how pissed she looked. But there was something else too.

In the corner of the room, sitting on the floor leaning against the wall, knees to his chest, and head down was another boy.

A blonde one at that.


Yay, another chapter :D *sneezes* -.- Being sick sucks. Period. Nothing more needed be said. (Haha, did that make any sense? O.o Cuz it didn’t to me...ah well) Sorry if this chapter isn’t any good, I wrote it in hour? Half an hour? I dunno, something like that. I barely even proofread it. Guh, why I have to get sick during the EOGs every year is beyond me (Lmao, Word just tried to tell me that “EOGs” should be “EGOS” xD Wow.) Anyway, I won’t waste any more of you’re time, Cheers! Please vote and message! Make my day a little better :)

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