Chapter 26

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I walked into my own room. Yes, my own room at my own home.

Gosh, I missed this room.

Everything was still in its rightful spot. My big bed still under the window directly across from the door, my jewelry box on the dresser to the right of the bed, the posters on the wall still in the exact position that I had left them. Everything.

I turned towards the nightstand and picked up a little picture frame and smiled looking at it. I suddenly got a depressed feeling throughout me and quickly put the picture back down and looked away trying to focus on something.

I let my mind drift off to old memories, well they weren’t really that old, until something interrupted them.

“What? So you’re just gonna ignore me are you?”

I must have jumped 20 feet in the air as I whipped around to the source of the voice and my breath caught in my throat.

My eyes were the size of saucers by now as I just stood there with my mouth hanging open in disbelief.

“Gray?” I asked surprised and confused.

How could he be here? It’s not possible!

There before me stood, in his own handsome way, the sixteen year old that I had known since the seventh grade.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned not daring to take a step closer.

“That’s all I get? I go away for two whole months and all you can ask is what I’m doing here?” he chuckled and shook his head taking a step closer.

Before I knew it, I was engulfed in a warm hug by strong, protective arms.

I could faintly smell his cologne before I opened my eyes.

I squinted my eyes against the glare of the sun seeping threw the curtains of the window. I rolled onto my back and sighed. That sad feeling was back again as I thought back to my dream. It had felt so real, so vivid.

Rubbing a hand over my eyes, getting rid of the sleepiness, I rolled out of my bed and walked over to the closet. I took out an earth brown sweater and dark green skinny jeans and pulled them on. Next I put my green hair extensions in, put on my brown wool newsboy hat, poofed my hair out a little, then put on my peace necklace.

I bit my lip and looked around my room for something to do. When my eyes landed on my guitar, I smiled and picked it up sitting on the edge of my bed.

I positioned the guitar on my lap properly and started playing a few random notes to warm up before starting “Gunslinger” by Avenged Sevenfold.

Yeah, you’ve been alone,

I’ve been gone for far too long,

But with all that we’ve been through,

After all this time I’m coming home to you.

I sang quietly, strumming each note at perfect time.

Never let it show,

The pain I’ve grown to know,

‘Cause with all these things we do,

It don’t matter when I’m coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I’ve said my goodbyes,

My hearts always with you now,

I won’t question why so many have died,

My prayers have made it through, yeah

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