Chapter 8

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Dylan’s POV:

I raised a hand to rub the sleep from my eyes. Opening them, I looked around at my surroundings. This definitely wasn’t my room… What is this?

Scanning the room with my eyes once again, I saw what I least expected.

Alice was sitting in a chair a few feet away from me with a guy about our age.

He was wearing a red sweater with a long sleeved dress shirt under it (both rolled up to his elbows), jeans, converse, and had dark brown hair that looked very much like chocolate.

What was he doing here? With Alice? What was I doing here?

I struggled to get up from where I was on the floor and winced as sharp pain went shooting through my body.

Alice whipped her head around and looked at me before smiling one of her sweet but evil smiles that usually go along with some kind of scheme.

She turned back to the boy and whispered something incomprehensible to him, fallowed by him getting up and slipping through the wall.

I looked back at Alice and saw her walking towards me.

“Where are we?” I asked her as about a billion other questions went streaming around in my head like motorbikes on a speedway.

“I’ll only tell you when you switch.”

“Switch what?”

She cocked her head to the side with an incredulous look as if I was really that stupid, “Sides of course!”

I just stared back at her. Did she really expect me to switch onto Vander’s side just like that?

“What? No! Alice what happened to you?”

She looked taken back by that. “I thought you would understand,” she looked down with a sad expression on her face.

“Alice?” I asked getting confused.

She looked up as if she was gonna cry. I raised an eyebrow.

“You of all people! I thought you would understand me! All these years you have supported my choices but now you choose to bail when I really need you to understand!”

Now it was my turn to be taken back, “your choice in what? Betraying Ashley? Alice, that’s not you!”

“Then what is Dylan?! Tell me that! Being a good little girl and doing what everyone tells me? Well I’m sick of it! I’m going to do what I want to do now whether you like it or not. Tyler understands me more than you do! He’s helped me understand that you guys have been bossing me around all this time like your fucking butler and I’m SICK OF IT!” at that point a chair behind me blew up.

Damn, she really was pissed off! But who’s Tyler?

“Who’s Tyler?” I voiced my thoughts, now scrunching my eyebrows together.

“The one who just left, and so what if I’m dating someone on the “wrong” side!”

I shook my head. So this Tyler had brainwashed her. She would never do something like this, not normally. “Wait, what about Spencer? What happened to him?”

She just sighed and said in a bored voice “I already told you, you get no information yet.”

“Well I’m doing what I think is right so I’m not gonna switch over! I don’t car-” I was cut off by her slamming into me, knocking me to the ground again. She was on top of me with her hands around my neck trying to suffocate me in a matter of spit-seconds.

I tried to shove her off but she wouldn’t budge and just pushed harder on my windpipe. I could already start to feel myself get lightheaded.

Right as the darkness started filling in more than just around the edges of my vision, she released a little, “Changed your mind yet?”

“Never,” I managed to choke out and once again tried to push her off.

She wasn’t expecting it and went flying into the wall.

Something blew up to my left then she staggered to her feet again, her eyes blazing. She came running back at me, getting ready to punch me.

As she lifted her fist up and threw it at me, I shot my hand up and caught her fist smiling.

Soon we were throwing punches and kicks at each other, easily dodging them.

I threw her into the wall again when I caught her off balance.

She fell to the floor and whipped her leg out, causing mine to fall out from under me, my head crashing into the floor. I reached over and yanked her hair back so she couldn’t get back up, she let out a screech and let her head fall back.

I tried to get up myself as the back of her heel came in contact with my forehead just centimeters away from my temple. Just a little farther over and I’d have been dead…

I let out a groan and pushed her foot off then brushed my dark blue hair out of my face.

Now if I could just find where Tyler left!

I jumped up quickly and ran over to the left side wall feeling around for a soft spot, ignoring the annoyingly painful pounding in my head. I only got halfway through with that wall when I was pushed back face-first to the floor again and felt a heel grind into my back in-between my shoulder blades.

Just then, she stepped back and allowed me to tuck my knees under my stomach so I could get up.

 “Come on you sissy!” she yelled in my face obnoxiously, “can’t you do more than be beaten up by a girl?!”

I grunted as I got up off my knees and looked, no glared, at her, “Try me!”

I had a feeling she was doing this to taunt me so I decided to go slower than I normally would have as I ran after her. I soon realized that I had sprained my ankle as pain shot through it immensely.

As I drew closer to her, she backed up against the wall. Before I could blink she kissed her fingers then wiggled them at me and slipped through the wall.

I ran up to the wall and tried to push my hand through but it was solid as a rock.

After feeling around the rest of the wall and cursing quite a few times, I came to the conclusion that I was stuck in here. Just great. Fan-fucking-tastic. Really.

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