Chapter 1

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I was sitting in class. History class to be precise. Boring right? This year I’m a junior; so close to freedom! Just another year after this one and I’ll be free to do whatever my mind pleases.

 Guess I should start thinking of what I actually want to do... The possibilities!

 Okay, back to reality now. The thing was that I wasn’t paying attention to class anyway, but at least I was trying. Let’s face it; History is just a boring class. To pass the time, I started tapping my desk to the beat of a song in my head, “No You Girls” by Franz Ferdinand, one of my favorite bands.

 Stevie Kalinowski, who was sitting across from me, was fiddling with her cell phone.

 ‘Since when can we text in class?’ I thought as her phone vibrated once again as she received another text.

 I glared at her with a slight bit of jealousy. How people like her can use their phones in class yet people like me get theirs taken away is beyond me. Not that I’ve been using my phone in class lately or anything.

 As if the teacher read my mind, she whipped around and looked straight at Stevie.

 “Stevie!” her voice echoed through the classroom as if a volcano had just erupted outside the window.

 Stevie didn’t even flinch. She slid her phone closed then looked up, “yes?”

 “What do you think you’re doing?” Mrs. Cambridge took a few steps closer to her. 

 I could have sworn that I saw Stevie’s eyes flash with panic for a split second before she said “oh, I was just...verifying with Porsche and Storm that we’re gonna move today and not in a few weeks,” she smiled.

 ‘Nice save.’

 “Your sisters?” The teacher verified who Porsche and Storm were as Stevie nodded her head with ease. The three of them were triplets from what I had heard.

 “And you just couldn’t wait another hour before school was over?” Mrs. Cambridge put a hand on her desk.

 Stevie put her elbow on her desk, laid her chin on her hand, and shook her head.

 “Well then, you can jus-” She was stopped short as the white class phone started ringing, so she went to pick it up.

 “Ms. Cambridge’s room……uh-huh…..yeah…..sure thing. I’ll send her over right away.”

 Ms. Cambridge hung the phone up and turned around looking at me, “Audrey, your schedule has been changed. You now have Mr. Chant’s class instead of this one, don’t ask me why, ‘cause I don’t know. You’re just supposed to go there now.” 

 ‘But he’s history too…what’s the difference?’ I wondered as I picked my stuff up and headed out the door to room 1408.

 No, my school didn’t have THAT many rooms; that would just be ridiculous! The rooms are just number very strangely. The first digit represented the floor the classroom was on, the second digit was the hall number, and the last two represented the actual classroom number for its specified hall.

 I guess this would be the part where I tell you about me now, right? Well, my name is Audrey Sutton. I just turned seventeen about a month ago, and I practically have no friends. Sure there are a lot of people who I talked to every now and then, but I wouldn’t classify then as ‘friends’, but more-so as ‘acquaintances’.

 I have dark dirty blonde hair with bangs covering my right eye, which I guess some people would call an ‘emo flap’ nowadays. My eyes are a dark brown, like a tan room would look if barely any light was on in it. I’m a little shorter than most, but only by an inch or so, and classified as one of the ‘cute’ girls in my school, so I got some popularity, but thankfully not as much as the ‘hot’ girls.

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