Chapter 14

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We’ve been back at Piper’s house for, give or take, a week. For pretty much the whole time, I was sitting in my room thinking about stuff - life in general. My mind might have slipped to Dylan every now and then, but you know, who can control that? He’s barely even left that room of his since we got back here, and honestly, I think he’s turning into one of those hermits...

Well, today is Halloween, the mid 1500s pagan day for honouring the dead, not the 1983 metal band or the series of films. So of course, being the normal human beings we are, everyone was getting dressed up as weirdest of things.

I’m not even sure what half of the people living in this house were dressing up as, but me? I was going for a stitch-up-doll look.

It was a pretty simple outfit, just take some markers and make random stitching along my face, neck, arms, hands, etc. Then I found some old clothing from Stevie and Piper that they never wore anymore and fit me relatively well, and guess what I did, I put holes in them randomly. When I put the shirt on after I had pretty much destroyed it, I noticed that there was a medium sized hole right where my boob was.

Well, that’s not going to work, now is it? I thought to myself and found a shirt to wear under the holey shirt.

That was all about an hour ago, now I’m currently in the living room watching “The Big Bang Theory” on TV.

Piper walked in dressed as a witch, complete from the pointy black hat, the big-sleeved dress, and the leather high-heeled boots. It looked like it belonged on her – I mean; she is sort of a witch, right?

“Hey Audrey, wanna help with setting up?” she asked me, “every year this neighborhood decorated to the max and makes a little Halloween town outside. It’s really fun, and we can use our powers on minor scales without having to be careful.”

“Sure!” I replied and hopped up from my lazy position on the couch.

Riley jumped in the room suddenly with a big black cloak with red underneath. His clothing was black pants and shoes, and a shirt like one of those that you would wear back in the 1800s. His eyes were so dark that they looked black instead of the usual light blue.

“Dracula…has entered the building!” He said showing fake fangs as I stared at him with a blank expression.

Piper looked at her older brother and started inching away slowly, “isn’t that supposed to be Elvis?”

Riley shrugged in return. 

I huffed a single laugh at their ‘interesting’ conversation.

“Ah well, let’s just go!” Riley said and led the way out to the street.

There were people running about everywhere with different stuff, putting things on houses, cob-webbing bushes, toilet papering trees, and doing who knows what else. Most of these people were already in costume too, ranging anywhere from cowgirls to ghosts.

Piper turned to me, “just find something sitting around that people have out and put it up somewhere.” She took off to help some people with the cobwebs a few houses down the street.

“This is one strange neighborhood...” I said to myself looking around for something.

One thing caught my eye: the skeleton with a pirate eye patch in the neighbors’ front lawn waiting to be put up somewhere. I picked it up and looked for a place to put it.

There was a black Hearse with dark purple curtains covering the back windows from the inside parked on the curb across the street. I tilted my head to the side, trying to make sense of why somebody had a Hearse, then walked over and leaned the skeleton against the door. Its synthetic bones moved stiffly and stayed in whatever position you put them in, so I put one elbow leaning against the top of the car, the other bent up at the elbow in a sort of waving manor.

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