Chapter 11

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He looked frail and weak.

Just as a dying bird would.

“Spencer…?” my voice came out barely audible.

His head snapped up, his eyes of planets. Our eyes locked and I found that I almost couldn’t look away. His eyes were mixed with a thousand different emotions to the point where it would make any little kid burst out crying right then and there with just one glance. I’d never seen anyone so distraught before.

He opened his mouth then closed it again as if he was about to say something then decided not to. A stray lock of blonde hair fell into his face covering part of it. He quickly looked back down at the ground allowing his hair to completely cover his face.

“Audrey,” Jamie said, earning my attention.

He looked completely normal now except for his hair still being very messy.

“We need you to-” Jamie started, and then Vander cut him off.

“If you think you can plan things out right in front of me, think differently ‘cuz it’s not gonna work.”

Corinna glared at him, “Shut up stupid face!”

Donni put his arm around her and whispered something in her ear, causing her to relax a little.

Vander glared at them with so much hatred, I expected them to blow up right there or a maybe missile to come flying at them. They didn’t seem effected at all and Donni looked around the room. Stevie was too while looking confused.

“Awh, did you precious savior not come and help?” Vander taunted them in a voice one would use while talking to a baby, completely ignoring me.

Beside me, Spencer was watching me again as if trying to send me a telepathic message.

I looked over at him fully and mouthed “what?!” getting a little creeped out by all his starring.

He nodded towards the wall.

When I looked over, I saw the switch that Vander had flipped up earlier to make the electrical bars appear.

Behind me, the four others were still arguing loudly about who knows what, so I took my chance. Slowly I could inch my way over to the switch without being seen.

Gawd, do they ever shut up?! I wondered, still inching away.

Right before I could get to the switch, the door burst open.

A guy with light grey, almost white, hair was standing in the doorway. He had noticeably golden eyes with light brown flecks in them, and a dog tag on a chain around his neck. Even though he had grey-ish white hair, he looked like he was about eighteen years old, if not less.

The guy looked around the room confused.

“What the hell is going on here?” he asked earning bewildered looks from the others.

Piper spoke up now, “I could ask the same…and where is Ash?”

The guy with grey hair shrugged and looked over at her, “how am I supposed to know? He runs around at a hundred miles an hour doing stuff that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around!”

Piper raised an eyebrow and let out a single huff of laughter as if to say “you’re an idiot.”

Corinna looked at him while Stevie glared, yet again.

He took a step back at Stevie’s glare with a nervous glance at her.

Vander sighed boredly and said sourly “if you wouldn’t mind, we were in the middle of something.”

The guy with grey hair was confused for a second before realization came over him face.

“Well, you know, it wasn’t really anyone’s fault here. Now if you will, I will state some facts now. First off, it doesn’t matter that Donni stole her heart before you could…although, how long did you know her for? Six years? That’s pretty pathetic. And you even helped her get him…” he shook his head.

What is he getting at? What the heck is he talking about?

He continued, “and you” he turned to Corinna now, “what were you thinking?! When you had a chance with him you only took it to get closer to Donni? And it was even fake! You were pretending! But wait! Was it really? Whose fault was it? Can anyone be blamed? Was it you? I think it was….but maybe it was him! Oh the choices! Why not just fight and be done? Why would you hold all the anger in? Really, this is getting a little-” he was cut off by Stevie.

“SULLY! You’re just making it worse!” she slapped him on the arm hard and he looked at her like he didn’t understand.

“But I was just stating facts!”

“I’d call those opinions, random opinions at that.”

Is this guy schizophrenic? I asked myself, starring at him as if he had three heads, six arms, and nine tails.

By now, Vander and Corinna were staring at each other with hatred. Donni looked like he wanted to punch Vander but was looking at the white haired guy.

While everyone was preoccupied once again, I quickly flipped the switch on the wall.

Piper stayed where she was, staring at the white haired guy, who must be Sully, confused. But Spencer got up clutching his right knee in the process then after a few seconds let go of it. He looked over at me and smiled deviously then walked over.

When he got next to me, he spoke quietly, “they have Vander preoccupied so if we sneak out that door over there-” he pointed to a door on the other end of the room, “-we can get out easily and find Riley and Dylan,” he turned his head back to look at me.

I could feel myself getting happier just as the mentioning of Dylan’s name. Gosh, what’s gotten into me? I wondered and shook my head to clear my thoughts. I didn’t need any thoughts like that right now, I could deal with myself later, right now my new friends need help.

“Huh?” Spencer asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Nothing, let’s go,” I dead planned.

Quickly, he grabbed my hand and made his way towards the door, lugging me along behind him. Right as he was about to grab the handle, the door swung open.

Once again, a guy with white hair stood in the doorway. This time, he looked a little younger and had pure white hair.

He was wearing almost formal clothing and looked very business like. His eyes were the same color as Sully’s just with no brown flecks. Behind us, Sully’s voice sang “Have no fear, the Ash is now here!”

To my side, Spencer was rubbing his forehead as if the door had hit him square in the face.


WHOOO!!!! Spencer is back! He seems to be okay….just a slightly hurt knee…oh and then Ashley hit him in the head with a door XD Fail. I loved writing that for some strange demented reason, MUAHAHAHA! Lol but yeah, the next few chapters I had loads of fun writing, it’s definitely got a...different twist in events xD And yes, I already have them written, but I’m not going to upload them right away, I’ll probably upload them in a few days. Maybe tomorrow if you guys get lucky :) Cheers!

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