Chapter 17

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“Hurry up Audrey!” Piper yelled from down the hall, the sound of her voice getting closer.

I sighed and stuffed another shirt into my suitcase. Normally, I’d be very finicky about how I pack, but with Piper yelling at me, I just wanted to be done!

“What’s taking you so long?! I told you we only have an hour, which leaves us with fifteen minutes left!” she was starting to get antsy now.

“Almost done, just a few more minutes!” I yelled back to her, getting annoyed with the constant yelling as she entered my room and stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She was too much like a mother reprimanding their child for her own good.

“Well Dylan can’t hold your mom like that for very long, hurry up!”

At this, I raised an eyebrow. “He can’t hold my mom how?! What is he doing to her?!”

“We’ll explain later, we don’t have time!” she waved her hands at my half-full suitcase.

I quickly stuffed the rest of my pants in the suitcase and other items such as a few books, my hairbrush, my iPod, and the remainder of my hats and sunglasses. After a second look at my suitcase, I pulled my black Deep Purple beanie hat out and pulled it on over my head.

I zipped the bulging suitcase closed then turn back to Piper. “Done!”

“Good, let’s go! Now we only have six minutes left,” she turned and swiftly walked out of the room and back downstairs.

Before going after her, I turned around in a circle slowly looking at my blue and green room once again for one last time before picking the suitcase and my guitar case up and headed downstairs where the others were waiting for me.

“’Bout time! How much stuff do you have?!” Riley greeted me causing me to shake my head.

“Well, judging by the trajectory of the sun and the moon, a lot,” I replied cheekily.

As I walked into the living room, which is connected to the front door, I saw Dylan standing there staring at my mom, who was sitting on the couch reading a book like nothing had happened or anyone else was in the house.

I raised an eyebrow and slowed my fast walk into a slower paced walk.

Is this what Piper meant by Dylan ‘holding my mom’? Why was he staring at her? Was he trying to do some freaky mind power thing like those superheroes do? Or was he thinking of something and she happened to be in the direction he was looking?

As I stepped closer, I saw the same look of power in his eyes that I saw in Alice’s that one time at breakfast at two in the morning.

“Alright everyone! Let’s head out!” Stevie said enthusiastically as she jumped towards the front door.

Once everyone was outside, Dylan came running out the door and closed it behind him and everyone jumped into Spencer’s silver Hummer.

After Spencer had started driving again, I turned to nobody in particular. “Can someone please explain to me what exactly Dylan’s power is? My mom didn’t even acknowledge us, which isn’t actually that weird considering how she normally is, and he was kinda staring at her…”

Jamie leaned forward from my left to flick Dylan, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

Dylan jumped slightly as he was flicked then took out one of the earplugs attached to his iPod and turned around to face Jamie. “What?”

Jamie nodded his head at me as if that would tell Dylan what to do. He sighed and pushed a button on his iPod before turning around more to look at me better.

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