Chapter 20

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“Anything exciting happen while I was gone?” Dylan asked me, stopping on my right.

I shrugged. “I wasn’t in here either,” I said truthfully, looking around.

He raised an eyebrow at me in question.

“Spencer showed me that weird room with all the flowers back there,” I pointed behind me to the door Spencer had previously led me through.

“Oh,” said Dylan looking down at his feet.

I could tell that something was on his mind so I tilted my head and asked him what was wrong.

“I, uh,” he started playing the strings of his hoodie, which I just noticed he was still wearing, then he continued with his thought process, “I was kinda going to take you back there...”

“Really?” I asked not able to hide the smile creeping up.

Dylan nodded then looked back at the other two boys currently wrestling with Vivian to get Jamie back. Vivian had Jamie in a headlock while Spencer was trying to un-wrap her arm from his throat. She kept twisting and turning out of his reach in a playful manor, and the brown haired guy was standing about a foot away smirking, obviously wanting to laugh at the three of them.

Spencer looked back at him and mouthed help me!, causing him to actually laugh and shake his head then lean back on the table behind him.

Dylan chuckled beside me causing me to look at him as if he had grown two heads.

Did Dylan seriously just laugh?! This night is getting weirder and weirder... I wonder why he’s laughing, other than the fact that their playing around over there, I thought.

“It’s nice to see Vivian back again,” he answered my thoughts.

He looked at me then elaborated, “back when I was in the fifth grade, both my parents died. Me and Alice went to live with our aunt, but she never really liked us. Vivian was a friend of our parents so used to hang out with the two of us all the time; she kind of became a second mom/sister to me. They were the only two I would talk to. Then in her third year of college, she met Tanner-” Dylan nodded towards the brown haired guy standing by Vivian, “-and pretty much stopped hanging out with us.”

“Just like that?” I asked confused. Who would do that?

He nodded, “they were ‘inseparable’ as you could say. I haven’t seen her in about a year and a half.” He chuckled again at the last part, “I forgot how crazy she is, I seriously think there’s something not right in her brain...”

“And so the real you shows a glimpse of itself to the world,” I said looking at him a little surprised.

He shrugged and looked down at his feet, “I’ll talk if I want to, but if I don’t need to talk, there’s really no use.”

“Kinda like you have a limited daily vocabulary list.”

“Exactly,” said Dylan with an affirmative nod.

After a short pause, Dylan started to talk again.

“So I, uh, wanted to ask you...If, well, I uh,” he stumbled on his words making him look incredibly cute.

“I kinda li-” Dylan was cut off abruptly by getting ambushed by a hyper squirrel.

“Get off! Your drumsticks are stabbing me, you retard!” He tried pushing him off, but Riley kept his arms firm around him. That is until he noticed me; then Dylan was forgotten and I was now the one being squashed by his long, lanky arms.

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