Chapter 25

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Vander had taken Jamie out of the room roughly, getting quite a fight from him, but Vander had the better of him. It’s better that way I guess, I just hope that nothing too bad happens to him. Oscar’s powers seemed to have an effect on Jamie, but not near as much as they had on Stevie, Bethany, or myself.

When I turned back to everyone else, I saw that Oscar once again had a hold of Bethany with a knife to her throat.

“Now pretty boy, if you even move one of those little eyes of yours, I’ll personally make sure that this girl here finds out what hell is really like,” he threatened Dylan. Dylan stood block still where he was, careful not to make a move.

Spencer stepped forward speaking, “chill man,” he held his hands out, “no one wants to cause a riot here, just give her to me and we’ll give you what you want.”

I kept my gaze away from Oscar so as to not get sucked back into his trap and noticed Riley sneaking along the wall. The door burst open behind me, causing me and Piper, who was standing right next to me, to jump.

Vander came walking in with a saunter and looked at everyone before his gaze finally landed, to much dismay, on me.

He smiled but was tackled to the ground by Stevie, who released a battle cry whilst doing so. They both toppled over in a mass of arms and legs, Stevie trying to throw a punch in as Vander blocked and twisted her arm backwards, pinning her in place.

“Stevie!” Piper yelled and took off in the direction they had rolled to help her.

All of a sudden a hand covered my mouth and an arm wrapped around my stomach, jerking me back. A muffled scream escaped my lips as my heart practically jumped right out of my chest. I heard what sounded like a door being kicked open behind me and whoever had a hold of me twisted me through it.

Right as the doors was closing in front of me, I saw a flash of electric blue fly out and hit Dylan straight in the back.

He screamed as I saw him fall down to his knees in slow motion, his back arching inwards.

“Come on little missy, wouldn’t want you to get a scratch in a little fight like that, eh?” a gruff voice asked over my shoulder.

Once I came back to my senses, I found that I was being dragged away from the door. I twisted and wiggled and kicked and screamed to get away from whoever was dragging me but the more I tried to get out of his grip, the tighter he made it and the more painful it became.

There was another scream coming from the room I had just come from, this time it sounded feminine.

By now, it was becoming hard to breathe, his hand being in the way and whatnot. My mind kicked into overdrive as he kept dragging me down a long hallway, much similar to all the others in this house.

As my vision started to turn black around the edges and slowly started coming in closer to the middle of my vision, I got desperate and kicked my leg back and up, hoping to hit a certain area on my capturer.

He grunted and let go of me long enough for me to turn around and get a look at him before I decided my next move.

The man had long black hair, a sort of big nose that worked for him, and blue eyes. He rolled his top lip up in a small growl that slowly grew into a smile.

“Feisty! I like it,” he pushed me into a room behind where I was standing, landing me in a chair.

He leaned down and got right up in my face, his breath practically making me gag, “too bad I have orders.”

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