Chapter 9

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Audrey’s POV:

I was just sitting in my sell, taking in the uninviting darkness surrounding me, only the light blue glare penetrating it.

Stevie seemed to be asleep on the other side on the wall, and nobody else was anywhere in sight or hearing range. Just me and the dark.

Oh how pleasant, I thought to myself bitterly.

Normally, I wouldn’t be cranky in a situation like this, but being stuck in a smelly space wasn’t helping my attitude for the greater of the world at the moment.

I had lost track of time a long time ago. For all I know, it could have been days that I was away in this little 8x10 concrete cell.

All the food they had given me was one pathetic piece of stale, moldy bread that had been once burnt to a crisp back color on one side.

I swear! Their trying to kill me without being violent! Well, it might be violent if you classify all the throwing up I’ll be doing later if I eat that…

Suddenly a figure appeared right outside the bars. I literally mean ‘appeared’. Seriously! It was like one minute nothing was there, then POOF! It was!

I could only see an outline of it, and it looked like a man.

“Audrey?” a smooth male voice came from the direction of the figure.

“Naw, it’s Billy Bob Joebly III,” I glared in at the dark figure now speaking to me.

“Good, good” the figure shifted a little bit closer to me and knelt down, not seeming to mind my smart-ass reply.

I could see his face now; he looked to be about early twenties. He had somewhat long-ish shaggy black hair with blonde streaks and a little makeup around his eyes to give it a gothic look.

He lowered his voice now to almost a whisper, “don’t jump to any conclusions before you know anything. I’m actually here to help. Ashley, I’m sure you’ve heard of him by now, sent me to get you and Stevie out of these crappy little cells of hell.”

A second later I was standing next to him on the outside of the cell in the hallway. A second after that, Stevie was standing next to me and fell backwards letting out a shriek as if she had been leaning against the wall.

She quickly looked around as I stifled a laugh, then when she saw the gothic guy she yelled at it.

“Dammit Donni! You ass!” Stevie lashed out an arm at his leg which he quickly dogged.

He sniggered as if he found this funny. I really don’t blame him, but on the other hand, I really don’t blame her either.

I guessed that Stevie knew him, considering that she called him Donni.

“Come on,” Donni said starting to walk down the hallway. He then turned around and started walking backwards, “Corinna should waiting for us by now and I don’t want to leave her alone for very long here.”

I scrunched up my face in confusion. Too many new people for my mind to wrap around! I didn’t even know what was going on!

Stevie must have noticed my confusion because as we were walking after Donni (who had now turned back around to walk normally), she turned to me and said “in case you haven’t noticed by now, that’s Donni. He works for Ashley, and is an enchanter, which means he can do all that magicy stuff and is really good at it, and really powerful.”

Donni turned a sharp turn upping his speed a little to get to the end quicker. At this point, me and Stevie had to almost run to keep up with his long strides.  

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