Chapter 16

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The next morning everyone was sitting at the table eating breakfast. That is, except for Dylan.

“Hey Audrey,” Spencer said to get my attention.

When I looked over at him, he continued, “I was thinking that it would be best if we start training you either today or tomorrow.”

“Train for what?” I asked confused.

“Fighting. If what I’m guessing is true, you know nothing about fighting, and Vander can strike back at us at anytime, so you need to be ready for it. We can’t have you get beaten up or die or something like that,” he pointed to me with his fork which still had some scrambled eggs on it.

I scrunched my face up at the forkful of eggs. The least he could do was eat them like a normal person, not stick them at me!

“Wow, you’re so encouraging!” Piper piped in sarcastically and Jamie snorted.

Spencer held his hands up in defense, “I was just stating the facts.”

Piper shook her head, “you can’t even fight yourself!”

“HEY! I can fight! Just not as good as some,” he looked at Stevie as he said this.

“I can train her,” Stevie offered but it sounded more like a question.

At that moment, Dylan walked in the room and sat down in one of the remaining seats, which happened to be the one next to me.

I quickly looked down at my food, pushing it around with my fork, hoping that I wasn’t blushing. I glanced sideways at him from the corner of my eye. After what happened last night, I was curious as to how he was going to act around me. Was he going to smile at me, talk to me, tell me that he liked me? Or was he going to be the same non-talking, kept to himself, shy guy? Is it even shyness? I mean, maybe he’s just one of those guys that doesn’t like people and just doesn’t talk to them. But he did look down a lot and even around his friends he doesn’t talk… Oh hell, here I go again, ranting on in my head.

He had on a dark blue jacket zipped up all the way with the hood up over his head. With his face down, it made it hard to see his face, but I could just make out the simple stuff like his beautiful blue eyes and his nose. He kept his head tilted down towards the table.

Wait…did I just say his eyes are beautiful? Uhg, I don’t even care at this point. I’ve already determined that I have a crush on him, so why should I be surprised when I say, err think, his eyes are beautiful?

“Our two best fighters are Stevie and Dylan, while rest of us are…not very good. But we can still put up a pretty fair fight. Alice used to be our third really good fighter, but I don’t think she’s on our side anymore…” Riley spoke up, talking to me.

“What are you talking about, you can’t even throw a proper punch,” Dylan said tilting his head a little, but not much, just enough so that he could see Riley.

“Not true!” Riley retaliated.

 “Oh, really?” Dylan said disbelievingly.

“And who’s the one that got beaten up and knocked out by his own sister?” this caused Dylan to shut up and go back to looking at the table.

Riley rolled his eyes.

“He has a point, you couldn’t even hit a fly if you tried,” Piper smirked at him.

“They are sneaky little things!” Riley pointed at Piper and glared at her.

Haha, wait, Riley couldn’t even catch a fly? I thought to myself, laughing a little.

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