Chapter 6

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I immediately recognized Jamie’s voice. A small bit of relief washed over me, but there was still Spencer, Riley, Stevie, Alice, and Piper.

“You have Audrey with you right? She’s safe?” Jamie shouted to Dylan from his location.

Dylan returned it with a ‘Yeah, she’s fine.’

How the hell Jamie knew I was with Dylan was beyond me. Dylan had just randomly jumped out and grabbed me when I was chasing after the rest of them!

“What about Riley?” Stevie now spoke up from wherever she was.

“I’m here…but he got Piper.”

“Same with Spencer.”

“Come on,” Dylan started pulling me lightly down the hallway by my elbow. He led me to the other side of the house and into a room.

I kept looking around me expecting something to jump out with a big knife and stab me or Dylan, brutally killing us. Or maybe a ninja assassin with those weird nun-chuck thingys and knock us out…

Inside the room, the walls were covered in band posters (I noticed Papa Roach, Disturbed, and Sixx: A.M. at first glance) to the point that I almost couldn’t see the dark blue that was hidden behind them.

It looked like a fairly normal room; nothing out of the ordinary except for a giant black piano on the far end of it. The room had two beds, two desks, two of everything split up between the two sides of the room. The far end looked a little more girly than the left side to me.

I briefly wondered if this was Dylan and Alice’s room. It made sense, with the two of everything.

Dylan sat on the edge of the closest bed and I just stood by the wall awkwardly not sure what to do.

A silence passed over us only to be broken by Jamie and Stevie coming in a minute later.

“So we’re just waiting for Riley and Alice?” Stevie noticed that they were they only two that weren’t here. Well, that is if you don’t include Spencer and Piper.

“Well, let’s start explaining while they get here,” Jamie spoke up.

“Explain what?” I asked him raising an eyebrow.

“As much as we can,” Dylan turned to look at me.

“As much you can about what?” I asked, this time being a little more specific, seeing as I wasn’t going to get a proper answer the other way.

“Everything,” Stevie and Jamie said at the exact same time.

Well that wasn’t creepy in the slightest…

“Should we start at the beginning or the end?” Stevie looked between Jamie and Dylan.

“Both,” Jamie sat down on the desk he was in front of to start the story.

I didn’t see how that was possible but I didn’t question it. I was getting answers to my questions.

“Well, there is this…villain, in human words, after us. We were given some information where we come from and the ‘villain’ wants it. So we came here. I don’t know how he found us though, we’re keeping pretty low key.”

“Except for the fact we have no adult living with us,” Stevie interrupted Jamie making a point.

“Well, Riley and Spencer are technically adults now,” Jamie corrected her then continued the story, “anyway, the ‘villain’s’ name is Vander. He can travel through electricity which is how he got in here. If there is a path of anything electric, everything connected, he can get anywhere he needs or wants to. He can also send other things through it, hence Spencer and Piper being taken with him.” He paused to let it all sink in.

I thought about all that he said. It seems pretty far fetched to me… I mean, someone that can travel through electricity?

I nodded after a while signaling him to continue.

“Vander isn’t afraid to kill for what he wants, he actually quite enjoys it. And that’s why he took both Piper and Spencer,” Stevie started, “Well, that’s 1/3 of the explaining.”

“Now for you,” Stevie pointed to me.

I raised an eyebrow, yet again, at her.

“You are here for a reason. And that reason is you simply have a power just like us. Ever wondered how when something is thrown at you and you block it with your hands, you don’t feel it that much? Almost like it barely even touched you?”

Now that I thought about it, I do remember that. I just never thought anything of it, thinking it was normal. Not that it meant I had some kind of power. This is just crazy!

After I nodded comprehending what they said and letting them go on, Dylan spoke up.

“Which means your power is that you can deflect things and catch them then shoot them off again”

That didn’t seem like a very useful power. Pretty much anyone can catch something and throw it back.

“Uhm…yeah, everyone can do that,” I said in a ‘duh’ voice.

“OH! No, not like that,” Stevie exclaimed, “we mean like if a power was used on you, you could deflect it or grab hold of it and throw it back. Like for example, Vander can throw electricity since he can control it and travel through it. If he throws it at you, you can- I think you get the point right?”

I nodded smiling at how she cut herself off.

“So yeah, I had to cut that short because we need to get down to business. Where is Riley and Alice?!”

As if on que, the door burst open with Riley standing in the doorway looking grim.

“Guys…” he looked around at each of us in turn, his gaze stopping on Dylan.

“I think we have another problem on our hands. A big one,” he then pulled Alice in the room from behind him.

She looked at everyone with her head held high and a smug expression across her tight face. She smirked then flipped her hair back over her shoulder, “took you long enough to realize.”


Okay, I know this chapter is really short (not that any of my chapters are very long anyway…) and kinda pathetic, but this is one of those plot-development or whatever their called chapters :P I got a lot of the explanation done in this chapter so it wasn’t like Audrey was just running around with these strange people randomly going along with whatever happens. Lol that would make for a strange story wouldn’t it? And the song on the side is “Villain” by Theory of a Deadman, I thought it was appropriate for this chapter, haha. Anywho, I would really love some feedback on this story, any at all, even if it’s you telling me how bad it is (Lol I hope that doesn’t happen xD) but yah… Cheers!

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