Chapter 24

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Suddenly Oscar appeared behind the little brown haired girl. I don’t even know where he came from! He grabbed a bunch of her hair and yanked her head backwards. She let out a strangled scream and clamped her eyes shut.

I started to run in their direction, intent on saving her. Whoever she was, she looked terrified! I could hear Piper yelling at Vander behind me, and for what reason I’m not a hundred percent sure. I expect that it’s about the information he wants, fat chance he’ll ever get it.

Just before I was five feet away from Oscar and the scarred brunette, he pulled a gun out and quickly held it to her head.

“Nobody move!” Oscar yelled at everyone.

That’s when I noticed that the others had started to go in that direction too. That is, everyone except for Audrey and Stevie, who were trying not to pay any attention to Oscar.

“HEY!” Vander shouted, “we had a deal!”

I looked back over my shoulder at him and saw him glaring at Oscar.

Oscar sighed, “you guys are so stupid. It’s not even a real gun.” He pulled it away from the brunette’s head and shot it randomly. Smoke rolled out of the barrel at rapid speed until it completely engulfed everyone, making it impossible to see.

The smoke quickly cleared around us and I could see where we were better.

We were all in Vander’s house again. I scowled at the wall. I’d been one too many times for my liking. Chances are that something bad is going to happen one time that we’re here, if not this very time.

“I know we had a deal. I followed through with it, didn’t I?” Oscar’s voice snapped me back to reality. What deal? This couldn’t be good.

“What Deal?!” Jamie asked turning towards Vander.

“One that involves you,” Vander replied with an evil glint in his eyes.


I slashed my giant sword in an arc around War, knocking four of the zombies down, then ran up to one and smashed in its head, effectively earning some souls and wrath points.

I was laying on my bed playing Darksiders on the ps3, all the while Alice was lying next to me, her head leaning on my shoulder. I smiled down at her as she intently watched the TV. I chuckled when she jumped slightly as one of those big pot belly fire creatures attacked me. I called those things “giant belly-tinglises” for some reason.

I’m not a hundred percent sure how I came up with that, but I know that Alice finds it funny whenever I call them that so I never stopped.

“ that the TV or is that coming from downstairs?” Alice looked up at me confused.

“What?” I looked down at her for a second.

“The yelling,” she cleared up for me.

 I listened closely for the yelling sound and sure enough, it was there. “Downstairs. Vander’s probably just firing another one of the maids,” I dismissed it. “Hopefully Sarah, that one’s a nutcase!”

Before I could respond, there was a bang on the door. “Alice!” I recognized that voice as Vander’s so I paused my game and set the controller down on my other side. Alice got up and hopped off the bed and headed for the door.

“Yeah?” she asked, opening the door.

“Let me go!” I could hear someone else shout. They sounded familiar... I slid off the bed and walked up behind Alice, looking into the hallway. Vander had a good grip on a brown haired boy.

“And you’re giving me Jamie why?” Alice asked confused.

“Take him to the ‘Golden’ room,” Vander commanded Alice.

Both me and Alice froze. We know good and well what the ‘Golden’ room is for.

“What? Why?!” Alice asked.

“I made a deal with Oscar. Now, get a move on it!” Vander shoved a struggling Jamie towards her.

Vander swiftly left after that.

Jamie jerked back away from Alice and stood against the wall untrustingly as if he could just melt away into the wall. “Don’t you dare take a step towards me. I don’t know what this ‘Golden’ room is, but you better stay away.”

I looked over at an uncertain Alice. In the months that we have been dating, she’s only shown some kind of hatred for anything to do with her brother, and for what reason I’m still in the dark.

She had that look in her eye. I’d never seen it before, but I still knew what it meant.

“Alice,” I whispered, still looking at her.

Slowly, she turned to me with a look of distraught. “I don’t think I can do it,” she said to me looking back over at Jamie.

“Do what?” Jamie asked her with a look of disgust.

There was a boy-ish scream coming from downstairs at that moment.


“What’s going on?!” Alice asked, more like yelled, at Jamie.

He glared at her, “like you don’t know.”

She looked back down the hallway then shot back “no, I don’t, smartass.”

He looked at me then.

“We have no knowledge of what’s going on down there,” I held my hands up in a surrendering manor.

Jamie sighed then started speaking, “Vander and Oscar brought us here and there’s a big fight. Now tell me what this ‘Golden’ room is.”

Alice looked at me the same time I looked over at her. I took a step back and said “he’s your brother’s friend. Not mine.”

Her shoulders slumped and she looked back over at Jamie. “It’s a room with a machine that stripes someone of their powers completely.” Jamie’s eyes grew ten times in size and he started to scoot away along the wall.

“Alice why is he not in the room?!” Vander came back yelling at my poor confused girlfriend. He always did that; yell at her. I’ve never liked that one bit.

Alice looked at him and opened her mouth before clothing without uttering a word.

“Either you get him in that room or all three of you will be killed by me personally.”

Right then, my brain seemed to start turning its gears and an idea popped into my mind. Alice obviously didn’t want this to happen to Jamie, and Vander obviously wanted Jamie’s wings for some reason. I didn’t want any of us to die either. There’s another Angel here, so why not?

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