I'll go.

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Dante along with my other men entered the office. "Boss" they said in unison.

I nodded at them to proceed.

"We'd kept an eye on Russo as you'd said, there are some suspicious activities noted, a big chunk of money was transferred to his account today morning around four and he was seen leaving his house dressed in work suit at unusual times." Carlo said.

"Track the transaction and the sender and tap his phone records."

"Okay Don." Dante replied, he was my cyber expert and we knew each other since we were kids, his and Luca's father's worked for my papa, making them the closest thing I had to brothers.

He was a pain in the ass but all business and seriousness when needed.

"Carlo you'll be guarding Kate at all times and give me a routine of the shifts in bodyguards if any. She should be all of your's first priority. Always."

"Yes Don." my men replied in unison.

"Get back to work and I want all the details of the business and the deals made untill evening."

I was underground for twenty two years, my papa didn't want the danger to my life be another distraction for his business.

In these years I trained my ass off, made my own identity and am ready to takeover.

I knew the moment I come back here, I had to marry a woman from power to strengthen our internal ties in the mafia after papa's death.

But I never knew an arrangement for peace within the mafia would be another hot headed obnoxious brunette with plump lips and a nice ass.

A knock on my door brought me back from my thoughts. "Don, the shipments have been made and all the information about the dealings is inside this pendrive." Dante said, walking in.

"I've installed bugs and hacking resistant software into your computer so you can access them now."he continued taking a seat infront of me.

I raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

"Well, hello! a *thanks Dante the apple of my eyes and the king of my cyber crime security* would've been a great" he said waving his hand dramatically for emphasis.

"Thanks shithead" I said rolling my eyes at his antics.

"Please don't tell me you'll be working on a Sunday morning or I will eat the glass on this table." Dante said looking at me with distaste.

"It's made of wood."

"Exactly! why would I do something like that for a man working on Sunday's." he replied rolling his eyes.

"Shutup, or I'll actually make you eat glass."

He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me offended.

A soft knock on the door made our attention snap to Kate standing there in her usual stoic expression.

"Yes Ms.Russo?" I asked looking at her.

"I need to buy somethings from the store." she said, folding her hands over her chest, pushing them up in the process.

"Yes let's go shopping" Dante chirped getting up from his seat.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What? don't you want an expert cyber security and black belt in karate accompany your dear soon to be wife?"

"No, I'll do it myself." I said getting up and grabbing my keys.

We sat in my usual car and left for the mall, I didn't want to mess up things too much after that night with Kate. I couldn't afford it with everything going on.

Carlo was following us in another car while we drove in my McLaren."Do you always make such abrupt decisions." Kate asked turning her head towards me.

I looked at her from the rear view mirror. "Just around you" to which she rolled her eyes.

We'd already reached the mall and I handed my keys to the valet while quickly going to her side and helping her out.

I interlaced my fingers with hers to which she went stiff so instead I stuck to lightly keeping my hand on the small of her back.

Everyone in Cosa Nostra knew me, they were all aware of the me and the reputation that proceeded me, making their eyes go wide if the accidentally made eye contact with me.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked gaining her attention.

She looked around and started walking in the direction of a Sephora named brand, I followed suit.

"Walk in step with me" I said to her visible action of trying to make distance between us. It was important for us to look like a normal couple in public to make things more believable the day I announce them.

"Stop ordering me around, Mr.Moretti." she replied with a sweet smile.

Well, atleast my soon to be wife had a spine.

A saleswoman walked upto us, her face going pale at the sight of me but regaining her composure quickly.

Kate walked away with her while I stood at one of the Isle watching her every move, she wasn't stoic or answering in phrases like she would usually do, rather she was smiling at the saleswoman and intently listening to her rambling about different products, nodding every now and then.

Nobody knew her in Cosa Nostra, sure people knew David had children and the eldest was a girl but David was smart to never let her identity lose, I personally had also seen her the first time at the party, when I'd gone to seal the contract.

The first time I'd seen her, I was taken aback by how normal and genuinely beautiful she was, I'd never expected David's daughter to be even a percent of how Kate was.

My phone rang in my pocket breaking my trance. The way I wish I could get rid off this thing forever.

"Boss" came Jackson's voice from the other end.

"Hurry up, I'm busy." I said, already wanting the conversation to end.

"A man has been caught on the fence of the mansion, he has a camera with him and was trying to get pictures of the mansion." Jackson replied at which I went still.

Nobody, not even my father's family could ever pass through the gates and checkpoints before it alerting me, how the fuck did this fucker manage to tresspass.

"Take him to the basement in the mansion, I'll be there soon."

"Okay boss," Jackson replied and the line went dead.

I walked up behind Kate and with a feather light touch rubbed her biceps, indicating the saleswoman to leave.

"Are you done sweetheart?"

"Yes," was her short clipped tone answer, and back was the Kate Russo I knew. It annoyed me a little but this was how it should be anyways.

"Good," I said backing up and taking the cart of products from her hand and walked to the cashier.

The people in the cue after looking at me moved back making space for me. I emptied the contents of the cart and made a mental note to remember everything she's bought.

When I looked at Kate she had her eyes narrowed at me, "What?" I asked.

"Line," she said motioning towards the pale faced cue of people behind me, well a little farther than they should, they were now practically standing a good ten feet away.

I shrugged feigning innocence and paid the cashier with my black amex card, giving him a hundred dollars tip.

I carried all the bags from my left hand and guided her with my right hand on her back.

"How many years worth of supplies did you buy?" I asked eyeing the more than necessary number of bags which looked alot like intentional.

She shrugged feigning innocence.



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