Go get your girl Don.

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Rome's pov:

I pressed the gas as hard as I could, driving as fast as the car would allow me to.

Luca and Dante's cars pulled up beside me.

"Overtake and surround." I barked, hitting the accelerator.

The sun had suddenly disappeared, grey gloomy clouds filling the sky.

I finally caught up to the car, closing the distance I pulled out my gun aiming at the driver.

I saw Carlo's head pop out of Dante's car, from the rearview.

"Don't aim the tires they have Kate," I shouted back.

Raising my hand outside the window I motioned forwards with my thumb and then seperated my index and middle finger.

I speeded up and overtook their car, going right infront, Dante and Luca surrounding the car at the sides.

The car was finally where we wanted it but it went in reverse changing lanes.

I went right behind it careful not to clash with the other cars coming my way.

"Kate," I screamed through the emotions constricting my throat.

And in that moment of utter chaos everything went silent and slowed for a minute.

My car being sidelined by another and falling directly into the water under the bridge.

I tried pulling down the windows but it was too late, banging my fist on the windows I tried getting out.

The car was now almost full of water, unbuckling my seat belt I pushed forward.

I couldn't lose Kate right now, I had to do something fast but it was impossible.

Twisting my body I tried breaking the windows by kicking them but it wouldn't budge.

The car was now completely drowned and I was running out of oxygen, slowly slipping into unconsciousness.

"Yes, without hesitation if it meant I could be with you." rang her sweet voice in my ears.

Forcing my eyes back open, I searched around the car my pistol lying on the seat.

This was it, and if this didn't work.. No, it has to. I bent down and picked the gun taking its safety off.

Here I come wife. I pulled the trigger and watched as the bullet in an agonizingly slow pace went through the window, shattering the glass.

I pushed myself back, pulling my head down untill the window was completely out.

As soon as there was enough space to get out, I lunged forward twisting my body out of the tiny space.

I kicked my feet as fast as I could to get up for air, the water had started entering my system.

And then finally I was up, panting like a wet dog with my mouth open greedily gasping for air.

I pinched my eyes shut to lessen the burning in them and then opened them back.

I looked around, spotting three motor boats, two which were the Cosa Nostra police force and the other looked like ours.

"Fuck!" I shouted, I didn't have time to deal with the police right now. I waved my hands towards the east where Dante's boat was hoping the police force wouldn't notice from the south.

His boat sped towards me also catching the police's attention. Leaping forward I took his hand getting up on the board.

Dante's face was contored in horror and fear. "What the fuck is happening Don?" he shouted, looking back at the police boats.

I coughed water out, Dante rubbing my back.

"Where- where is Luca and the girls?" I managed between coughs, punching my chest.

"Relax you're going to break your ribs. Luca is with them, he said he'd get them to the safe house."

"Speed up! they're catching up to us." I barked startling the man controlling the boat.

"Dude we can't fly, we've to think of something else there's no way we can get out of this." Dante said.

"Give me your phone."

"We're being surrounde-" Dante started.

"Just give it to me." I gritted pinching my forehead.

We were surrounded by all sides now.

I dialed Luca's number, "Send it" I said as soon as he picked up and cut the call.

The police boats were way closer now, we couldn't dodge for much time now.

I walked up to the steer and ushered the man there to move away.

I turned the boat to the right and then fully faced towards the police boats.

"What the f-" I heard Dante from the back.

"Grab whatever you want to, move fast. And kill this man if he could be a potential threat." I said speeding up and rowing from in between the police boats.

"Surrender or else you will be taken down!" an official shouted on a speaker.

"Taken down my foot, just wait and see how I make you regret." I sneered moving forward.

Loud thundering sounds filled the air and I smirked back at Dante, "Let's go."

I took one of his bagpacks and grabbed the stair Carlo dangled down from the helicopter.

I heard a gunshot from my right and swiftly ducked, shooting back from my own pistol knocking the policeman down.

"Shoot!" and just then all hell broke lose between my men shooting the policemen and vice versa.

I clibmed up the stair dodging every bullet coming my way and got into the helicopter.

"Hurry up" I shouted at Dante who was busy giving me cover.

"No, you go she needs you! I'll take care of the rest." he shouted back.

"Motherfycker if you dont come here in two seconds I'm going to kill you myself."

"Go get your girl Don!" he shouted back, winking at me.

"Fuck man this idiot" I couldn't help but have a small smile on my face.

The policemen were now targeting the pilot and Dante couldn't save them both at once so he used himself as a human shield for him.

"Dont" I shouted but Dante was already shot in his abdomen.

"Fuck let this thing down I need to go!" I urged Carlo.

"We need to go Don, our men are already here," he replied in a small voice pointing at the other helicopter that had our men in black commando suits getting off the helicopter.

I took one last look at Dante and gave the pilot the signal to move ahead.

"Where's she?" I asked.

"Sir she was last seen at the airport, they're making her fly commercial so that our men can't catch them inside with their arms."

"Why the fuck haven't you contacted one of our men in the airport that would let them through?"

"Most of them are unreachable and their families abducted from our sources."

I gritted my teeth, whoever this was is going to regret.


Hii! sorry for the late update guys, hope yall like this and dont forget to leave spam comment down!   😔🥰🫶🏼

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