Why hold back?

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The first time I'd seen her at the party she looked as beautiful and alluring as ever but there was just this exhaustion in her eyes and I hadn't missed the exhaustion behind her facade.

Whatever Rossi made her do, must've left her with little to no sleep, but she was doing better now and her eyes were coming back to life.

When I'd come back home from work I found her curled on the couch infront of the TV, which played a random cartoon channel in a blanket.

The sight making something warm burn inside my cold lifeless heart.

I picked her up as lightly as possible, careful not to wake her in her sleep and took her to her bedroom, gently laying her down and covering her with the sheets.

Removing some hair strands from her face I lightly kissed her forehead, turned off the lights and closed the door behind me while leaving.

I couldn't curb my wild desires for her but as much as I'd wild barbaric lusting thoughts about her, I also had this feeling of protecting her from the entire world and keeping her all to myself forever, agreement or not.

The harder I tried to keep her away from my thoughts the deeper she resided in my head.

I undressed and hopped inside the shower, the moment I closed my eyes all I could see was her face and body in the morning, the way her cheeks and nose tinged pink when she'd started to unzip her jacket, thinking I wasn't already focused solely on her.

My little temptress.

My hand automatically starting pumping the length of my hard dick, imagining it was her, the way her body glistened from sweat and her chest heaved out of breathlessness and how her legs clenched everytime I looked at her longer than required.

It didn't take much time for me just to cum to the memory of her body.

After finally taking the shower I came out slipped into my payjamas and dozzed off to sleep, my dreams containing of a certain blue-eyed brunette and her perfectly curvy body and long legs.

Sunlight filtered through my curtains and I checked time, It was eight in the morning.

Since I didn't want to suddenly push Kate's body to its limits I'd decided to keeping her workouts to just three days and it hardly took me forty five minutes to complete mine.

After quick brushing and putting on a tshirt I went down to the gym where the boys greeted me.

"Morning" Luca said in a gruff voice.
"Good morning" Dante chirped.

"Morning assholes."

After my warm up I moved towards Dante. "Any leads on the transaction made to Russo?"

"Yes, it was from one of the small Russian gangs here in Cosa Nostra."

"But they can't afford such sum of money and direct dealing with my Consigliere."

I always knew Russo was a black sheep, even when I wasn't in Cosa Nostra I kept an eye on everything through Dante and Luca, but I didn't want to worry papa much since I was already always two steps ahead of Russo's plans.

But I think his hands were involved in papa's untimely demise, I should've already kicked him out of the familia but I underestimated his motives and was reluctant. Never again.

Marrying Kate was just a part of the plan to fuck with Russo, making him agree to wed his daughter to me not only was taking the Ace up his sleeve, away but also his power.

Kate was the eldest among the siblings which gave her husband to proceed her father's place, since I was the Don already it gave me the power to chose a new consigliere without internal war or any questions being raised.

Dante showed me his phone screen, which had the IP address of the sender tracked down back to Russia, it was impossible for small goons to ask for such sum of money to be transferred from Russia.

"Hack his security system and set bugs around him for solid evidence."

I finished my workout taking longer than usual, sweating the frustration away.

I knew one blow and Russo would open his mouth but I wasn't sure how Kate would react to it so I waited for the right time and to be sure of his plans.

Quickly showering and getting into my work clothes I headed downstairs finding Martha and all three of them already sitting chatting on the bar stools.

The last time Dante, Martha and Luca looked this easy-going was when mama and papa were still around.

I ignored the knot forming in my chest and took a seat beside Kate intentionally brushing my forearm to her elbow.

I loved how responsive her body was to my smallest of touch.

I forked a piece of bacon and had a mouthful.

And we'd marry in a few months anyways and she would be all mine forever, so I don't see the point of holding back. Atleast that's what I said to convince myself.


I was sitting at the head of the table, where all the other small and big mafia gangs member sat for a monthly routine check of our dealings and incentives but majority of my thoughts were coloured with blue eyes and long brunette hair.

Ricco, one of the bigger gang's member although kept fumbling with the chain om his neck and avoided eye contact mostly through the meeting.

I look at Dante standing to my right and silently told him to check through Rocco's history, to which he smirked and nodded giving me all the information I needed but also making me agitated.

I checked the file Dante had sent me earlier and it confirmed Ricco had made dealings with the Russian mobs and shipped them my products even though it was prohibited to do so with a rival.

On top of which he'd also been fucking with the amount of incentive he needed to pay us because all their illegal activities in Cosa Nostra ran on our costs.

I made direct eye contact with him, the mask of indifference coming on my face.
"You shouldn't have come after doing what you did y'know Ricco." I said without beating around the bush.

I picked my gun, tucked at the back of my pants, removed it's safety and shot him straight between the eyes, without wasting much time.

Rocco's flabby body fell of the chair and hit the ground, but the fear of their life being take in people's eye, was a high I never wanted to come off.

"Think of defying me and no sooner you'll join him." I said to all the , cleaning his blood off the chair and floor.

I stood up, making everyone else in the room stand up abruptly too."We're done here for today."

To be honest I already knew who tried double crossing me and who was loyal before I noticed it in their behaviour during the routine, but I wanted them to be scared enough to not think of letting me hunt them down, because then, even God couldn't save them from my wrath.

My office at the camp was relatively larger but smaller than the board room.

I was in the middle of signing a new drug deal route in Cosa Nostra when my phone chimed with a notification.

It was almost afternoon and I was neck deep into signing papers and confirming everything was working smoothly.

Running an illegal business required more legal paper work than running the country.

All I wanted was to go home and be near kate, I wrapped up my work and checked in with Luca and Dante, they were as usual most likely spending their night at one of my clubs with a woman.

All my clubs had rooms for accommodating the three of us, and the more privacy the better.


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